6 Tips to GRE Success

Tips for GRE
Tips for GRE

Are you aspiring for the GRE?

GRE’ Graduate Record Examination, one of the few exams that offer a world of opportunities, quite literally. But it isn’t the easy way out. Every year, more than 700,000 people appear for the exam and despite the vast array of options available, it’s not nearly as easy as it seems. The exam tests your speed and smartness as well, apart from your knowledge in the stipulated subjects. But don’t let this bring your confidence down. Take these tips and crack your way to GRE success.

Back to basics : If you’ve gone through a grilling life in education, chances are those late college nights have wiped away the all-important basics. Algebra and geometry are earmarked as important and assumed to be the background knowledge for the quantitative section. Can you remember the sine, cos, and tan tables or their graphs for every angle? If not, don’t worry, you’re not the only one whose concepts have rusted with time. What you need to do is get your hands on the book with the words, Algebra (or geometry) for dummies. Remember, it’s best to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.

Implement an action plan : It all begins with a plan. Most of them end up completely ignored till the very last day. But that is the way of the weak. The best and perhaps, the only way to be prepared for the exam is to have a plan months before the actual exam and to follow it religiously. If you are preparing for GRE by yourself or study in a group, it is strongly advisable to decide beforehand the way you are going to study.

Join a Test Prep : If you join a tuition or a group study it is definitely a plus. That will build a sense of competition and push you to try harder. Alternatively, having others along the study process will help you clear your doubts and make studying a bit more interesting. If you are thinking about joining a test prep program, you might want to go through the CL’s GRE program. Surely, it won’t take you too long to figure out the option that fits your preference and doesn’t put a hole in your pocket.

Take the toughest English course : Most people who struggle at English vocabulary make the dictionary their best friend, whether it’s on the nightstand or read as a pastime while taking a break between other subjects. The best practice is to read as much as possible, from as early as possible, preferably, from when you’re in school. That will ensure you have a strong command over the language and help you expand your vocabulary. Be sure to be well prepared, mentally and grammatically so you have the confidence when it’s time for the verbal section of the paper.

Mock and Practice Tests : No test prep is complete without having gone through some mock and practice tests. For the best GRE scores, repeated GRE practice test sessions are a must. You can easily find exam prep books that offer the same experience as classroom test programs, but if you don’t want to compromise the latter is, hands down, the better option. If you’ve taken the CAT or a competitive exam before and have the GRE in your crosshairs, CL offers a program that is designed especially for you; you can explore it here.

Time Management : The last tip comes for when you are in the exam hall. Manage your time effectively. GRE is a time bound test and you need to be a good manager of time to complete each section. At first, the 3 hours and 45 minutes may seem like a lot of time but the exam is specifically designed for that time-frame. Avoid spending more time on any one question and be sure to leave enough time for revision. Re-check your answers before you move on to the next section and never leave a question blank. Revisit the problem and be sure that the choice you’ve selected is the correct one.

Well, that’s it from our end. It’s all you now. Make the most of these tips and success will be in your bag. GRE is one exam that is destined to offer a world of opportunities. Prepare well and soldier on and don’t forget to share how it went in the comments below.

Good Luck!