5 ways to improve your score in SSC CGL Tier-I exam

5 ways to improve your score in SSC CGL Tier-I exam

With just a week left for the SSC CGL Tier-I 2016 exam to flag off, you all must be in the last leg of your preparation. As per the new exam pattern, the CGL Tier-I exam will be a Computer Based Test (CBT). Since this is the first time that SSC is conducting an online exam, you all must be hoping that it turns fruitful for you.

5 ways to boost your SSC CGL Tier-I 2106 score

In the run-up to the SSC CGL Tier-I 2106 exam, let’s go through these 5 smart ways to boost your score. Remember, you have to qualify sectional cut-offs along with the overall cut-off.

  1. Practice previous year questions of SSC CGL exams
  • As per a discussion with SSC CGL aspirants, it has been observed that SSC repeats questions every year.
  • It is advisable to go through the last 5 years question papers of SSC CGL exams. Interestingly, you will find that there are around 2-3 questions in each section which are repeated year after year.
  • For instance, in the English Language section, questions based on one-word substitution, synonyms & antonyms, sentence correction, are repeated every year. Similarly, in the Quantitative Aptitude section, you will find repeated questions on Arithmetic like surface areas & volumes, trigonometry & algebra.
  1. General awareness & current affairs are equally important in SSC CGL Tier-I
  • It is true that the syllabus of General Awareness section is too vast to cover. However, with a smart preparation, you can surely score well in this section.
  • If you go through the previous year questions of the GK section, you will note that certain topics carry significant weightage and are featured almost every year. For example, the commonly asked topics are the first in India, the highest and tallest physical forms across the globe, constitutional articles & amendments, folk dances of India etc.
  • SSC asks around 4-5 questions based on current affairs topic. So, covering all major events of last 3-4 months can fetch you 4-5 marks.
  • To stay updated with current affairs, you can take our FREE GK test. Also, you can enroll for CL’s GK Sectional Tests to excel in SSC CGL exams.
  1. Don’t skip Reading Comprehension in SSC CGL exams
  • It is a common belief that questions based on Reading Comprehension are time consuming and thus should be avoided. Get out of this myth and make it a thumb rule to attempt RC questions.
  • The passages featured in SSC CGL Tier-I exam are easy to comprehend and can be completed quickly. You can score 8-10 marks for free if you carefully solve the RC questions.
  • The best thing about RC questions is that you don’t have to memorize any formulae or facts.

 Mock tests are the key to success

  • This is a well-known fact that regular practice will help you to crack SSC CGL exams.
  • Try to attempt as many mock tests as possible. This will not only acquaint you with the paper pattern but will help you to gauge your preparation and work on your weaker areas.
  • Hope you have attempted enough SSC CGL Tier-I mock tests. With CL’s test series, the actual exam will appear to be another mock test.
  • Apart from the full length mocks, you can also take sectional tests.
  1. Strategizing your Quant preparation in SSC CGL exams
  • Many SSC aspirants have this question in the mind regarding the Quantitative Aptitude section, “Are there questions from higher Math”?
  • Questions in SSC CGL Tier-I exam are based on the 10th standard mathematics, while questions in Tier-II exam are slightly difficult and are based on 12th standard mathematics.
  • Don’t get bogged down if you are weak at Quant. Practice questions based on percentages, profit & loss, mensuration, number series. Go through previous years’ exam analysis, to find out the break-up of questions.
  • You can also include CL’s Quantitative Aptitude Sectional Tests in your preparation.

Stay tuned for exam updates and SSC CGL Tier-I 2016 exam analysis right after the exam.

All the best!