5 points to BITSAT 2018


BITSAT (Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test) is an engineering entrance exam conducted for admission into Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Hyderabad, and Goa. Before we start our discussion on “5 points to BITSAT 2018”, let us check the important dates related to BITSAT 2018

Events Date (Tentative)
BITSAT Online Applications Start January 2018
BITSAT Online Applications Close March 2018
Allotment of Test Centre March 2018
Slot Booking March 2018 – April2018
Admit Card Release Date April 2018
Online Exam Date May 2018
Admit List and Wait List 1st July 2018


With the tentative dates already there the aspirants must have already started their preparations. If looked at the figures, competition level in BITSAT makes it one of the most competitive exams in our country with roughly around 70 candidates competing for one seat and with three sprawling campuses, facilities matching international standards, faculty of high educational qualification and expertise and incredible placement record, BITS are one of the most eyed institutions for the engineering aspirants in India.

Before we proceed to discuss our 5 points to BITSAT 201, let us discuss briefly few things about BITSAT:

What is BITSAT?

BITSAT is Birla Institute of Technology and Science Admission Test conducted by BITS, Pilani every year for providing admission to all the degree courses offered by BITS, Pilani, Hyderabad, and Goa. BITSAT is an online exam. By appearing for BITSAT, candidates can apply to Engineering, pharmacy and other science courses available in BITS.

BITSAT 2018 – Paper Pattern

The paper pattern for BITSAT is as follows:

Section Subject No. of Questions
Part I Physics 40
Part II Chemistry 40
Part III (a)    English Proficiency 15
  (b)   Logical Reasoning 10
Part IV Mathematics/Biology (For B. Pharma) 45
Total   150


  • There will be 3 mark for every right answer;
  • There will be minus 1 mark for every wrong answer;
  • Exam will be of three hours in total.

Number of total seats:

Around 2 lakh candidates will compete for approximately 2000 seats across various campuses of BITS.

BITSAT 2018 Syllabus:

BITSAT syllabus is based on the 11th and 12th syllabus of NCERT. The syllabus comprises of:

  • Physics –
  1. Work and Energy;
  2. Rotational Motion;
  3. Gravitation;
  4. Mechanics of Solids and Fluids;
  5. Impulse and Momentum;
  6. Newton’s laws of Motions;
  7. Kinematics;
  8. Units & Measurements.
  • Chemistry –
  1. Chemical Kinetics;
  2. Surface Chemistry;
  3. Hydrogen and s-block elements;
  4. Electro Chemistry;
  5. Physical and Chemical Equilibria;
  6. Atomic Structure;
  7. States of Matter;
  • Biology –
  1. Diversity in Living World;
  2. Cell – The Unit of Life;
  3. Structure and Function – Plants and Animals;
  4. Genetics and Evolution;
  5. Reproduction;
  6. Growth and Movement in Plants.
  • Mathematics –
  1. Complex numbers;
  2. The fundamental theorem of algebra;
  3. Theory of Quadratic equations;
  4. Arithmetic;
  5. Geometric and Harmonic progressions;
  6. Logarithms and their properties;
  7. Exponential series;
  8. Permutation and Combinations;
  9. Binomial theorem;
  10. Pascal’s triangle.
  • English Proficiency –
  1. Reading Comprehension;
  2. Verbal Reasoning;
  3. Verbal Ability;
  4. Analogies;
  5. Syllogisms;
  6. Vocabulary;
  7. Synonyms;
  8. Antonyms;
  9. Conclusion;
  10. Composition;
  11. Word Formation.
  • Logical Reasoning –
  1. Binary Logic;
  2. Verbal Reasoning;
  3. Non-Verbal Reasoning;
  4. Analogy;
  5. Puzzle Test;
  6. Syllogism;
  7. Classification Test;
  8. Alphabet Test;
  9. Eligibility Test.


How is BITSAT different from JEE?

If you are wondering that preparing for other engineering exams like JEE will be sufficient for your preparation of BITSAT then you may not be completely right as the only thing that is similar between both the exams is that these exams require you to have in-depth knowledge of fundamentals i.e.; concepts both the exams require at least a detailed knowledge of the concepts. Other than that there are very few similarities between both the exams. Where JEE is known to have lengthier questions, BITSAT is known to probe you with shorter but trickier questions. The number of topics is also different. Where on one hand JEE has a long list of topics BITSAT, on the other hand, has kept its list short with focus only on important topics. It, therefore, is necessary for the aspirants to:

  • Know the BITSAT syllabus well: What generally happens with aspirants at this stage is that they are generally preparing for more than one entrance examination and hence they confuse themselves between syllabuses of different examinations. What is required to eradicate this confusion is make a placard of each and every exam that you are preparing for and place them closer to your study area so that you have clarity in mind and you can anytime refer to these placards when in confusion.
  • Chalk out a different study plan: For all the exams you are writing, chalk out a different study plan and then carefully identify the similarities between all of them and keeping in mind the schedule for each exam plan your preparation accordingly.

Let us now discuss 5 points to BITSAT 2018:

  1. Prepare for shorter but trickier questions – While preparing for BITSAT always keep in mind that lengthier and tedious questions generally don’t have a place in BITSAT as this test focuses more on shorter but trickier questions which will test your concept clarity. And if your basics are sound and in place then these question can turn out to be more scoring for you as they will take less time and ensure marks.
  2. Time Management – Time management is an important aspect of BITSAT, unlike other exams. The number of questions asked in BITSAT is much more and even double in comparison to other entrance exams hence; keeping a tap or time is a unique aspect of BITSAT preparation. To work on your time management skills for this exam, you must do a lot of practice of MOCK papers with proper exam environment.
  3. Be prepared for online interface – Before this, aspirants would hardly have any experience of the online interface so students may get overwhelmed with this sudden change in the mode of an exam. It is advisable that aspirants attempt enough number of mock papers so as to ensure a good comfort level with the online format. Many a thing of an online exam can confuse an aspirant like freedom of moving from one question to another in a paper-based exam but not being able to do so in an online exam.
  4. Choosing your strong area – Unlike JEE, all the questions that come in BITSAT carry equal marks making all the sections and question of equal importance and so it is wise for a candidate to decide while preparing their strong and weak areas of every section so as to choose which question to choose and which to avoid. Because BITSAT carries a larger number of questions and negative marking too thus it is wise to leave the questions you are not very confident about rather than wasting your time on them and putting yourself under a risk of losing marks in the negative score.
  5. Practice – There is no alternative to keeping your concept strong and practicing more and more. Once you have revised your basic concepts twice or thrice practice as many questions as you can. Practicing a lot of mock papers will not only expose you to different types of questions but will also help you in strategizing your approach towards the paper keeping in mind the limited time that you have. The right dose of practice will help you coordinate speed and accuracy which is a very important aspect as far as BITSAT is concerned.


These are the 5 points to BITSAT 2018 which can ensure that you are going on a right track. However, you also have to keep in mind few important points while writing the actual exam. Let us discuss those points:

  • Most important is that you keep yourself cool, stay calm and focused while writing the exam.
  • Needless to say, you must start your exam with your strongest section.
  • In multiple choice question format paper aspirants often commit a mistake of spending more time on the questions in beginning; this is a very weak approach towards a paper. Plan your approach in such a manner that you spend only required time in every question so that there is no hurry towards the end.
  • Do not attempt the questions you are not sure about, you would at least not want to lose marks for incorrect questions if you have not earned any for correct questions.

We hope that these tips will help you in your preparation of BITSAT 2018. While you prepare for BITSAT 2018, click here to know about our engineering offerings.

Stay tuned for more from us.

All the best!! Happy Preparations!!