How to study Polity for SSC and Civil Services exams?

How to study polity for SSc and Civil services exams?

Are you an aspirant of Civil Services or SSC exams? Do you get troubled when preparing for GK section specially polity for SSC and Civil services exams?

Don’t lose hope! This post will guide you on how to study polity for SSC and Civil Services exams. Read on.

In national newspapers, news related politics dominate the front page as well as the pages thereafter till page 4. Even in regional newspapers, regional politics is at the core of the news. In business newspapers, it is the second page that is only about politics. For instance, in case of The Economic Times, the second page is about ‘Business of Politics’. Those preparing for Civils or SSC GK thus need to read newspaper regularly and study it in detail to crack the exam. General Studies has always been important as far as Civil Services are concerned but now there are four papers of General Studies. All four papers are compulsory. Each of these carries 250 marks. Apart from History and the Indian economy, politics in General Studies is considered a separate topic that can make or break it for you.

Paper I and Paper II of General Studies are of the same pattern. It is the Paper III and Paper IV that the candidates need to prepare for. Paper III is about economic development, environment, technology, security and disaster management, etc. Paper IV is about Ethics, Aptitude and Integrity. Politics in General Studies is included in Paper I and Paper II.

Now coming to the pertinent question – How to study Polity for SSC and civil services exams. The sources of your study can be:

  • Newspapers:

These give information on happenings till 1-2 am but the opinion of editors is what matters. Newspapers have always been known to have formed and shaped public opinion.

  • News channels:

In politics, there is something happening on a daily basis. There are issues that politicians give their opinion on.  When it comes to forming a Government or getting a person elected to a seat in the Rajya Sabha, etc. parties need to negotiate. There are politicians who work through the day, having even late night meetings. Coverage of these events happens through the day.

  • Websites:

Websites of newspapers such as The Times of India, The Economic Times, Wall-street journal give access to e-paper and news of events as these happen across India and the world.

  • Blogs:

Blogs such as maintained by economists give their personal opinion on Government schemes and the happenings that impact the Indian economy. At the international level it is the economists such as Paul Krugman and Nouriel Roubini who blog regularly and are active on Twitter.

Topics to study

  • Central and State Governments: UPSC and SSC candidates should know the structure of Governments at the central and state Government. You need to be updated about the news and dates pertaining to the same.
  • Current affairs: For those in the Government or in policy making such as IAS officers, it is important to stay updated with the happenings in India and abroad. An understanding of policies in developed and developing world and the manner in which these are implemented can help a developing country such as India. Those in the Government should know of how to implement policy. Hope you follow daily GK updates for the same.
  • Indian economy and policy: Awareness of the important points in the Indian Budget, information on policy given on Government of India websites, news and newspaper editorials – that of both Indian and global newspapers – is required for the Civil Services exam.
  • Technology: In the global scenario, policies are only implemented through technology. People such as Sam Pitroda, Arvind Panagariya, Jagdish Bhagwat, Sugata Mitra have been involved in policy making and implementation in India with Sugata Mitra having been involved in use of technology in education.


  • Security and disaster management

Developing countries can learn from disaster management in developed countries. Those who seek to work for the Government should have an understanding of technology and disaster management. Developing countries have been able to fight terrorism and it is the developed countries that can learn from India but when it comes to disaster management it is not the same.


  • It is important to read newspapers every day. Notifications from newspaper portals give you information as events happen across India and the world.
  • Debates and discussions on news channels give you not just facts but opinion from a group of people who come from different political parties. Thus, it is not just information but public opinion that one gets access to.
  • Facts are important for objective papers but watching these shows gives you an understanding for UPSC Civil Services.

You might like to know about various recruitment exams conducted by UPSC to grab a Central government Job and Top recruitment exams conducted by SSC that you can’t afford to miss.

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