Importance of Taking & Analyzing JEE Mock Tests Regularly

JEE mock tests

Success in JEE requires constant and sincere hard work, dedication, and efforts. Considering over 10 lakh students appear for the exam every year, it is not easy to secure a high rank. To do that, you need to do a lot more than just finishing the syllabus. Read on to understand the importance of attempting JEE mock tests and how they can benefit your performance in JEE 2019.

Remember, it is always easier to do something if you have practised it a lot. Exams are no exception to this rule. So, if you take JEE mock tests regularly, you will get to know yourself better—in terms of your exam temperament, speed, accuracy, your performance under pressure, and the order of subjects that suits you best, among other things. The more you know yourself, the better you will realize both your strengths and weaknesses. You can then work on your weaknesses, so as to improve your performance and score.

The IITs are the premier institutes of the country, which provide a great headstart to careers. Hence, their entrance exam, JEE, is characterized by cutthroat competition. Serious aspirants leave no stone unturned in their JEE preparation. In other words, you just cannot expect to outshine others if you do not prepare to your full potential.

Importance of Taking JEE Mock Tests Regularly

Mock tests evaluate your JEE preparation under exam-like conditions. The more mocks you take, the more comfortable you become in terms of the actual exam. Additionally, regular practice enables you to take a test almost anytime.

Another crucial benefit of taking mock tests regularly is the constant revision it entails. Revision is an important aspect of JEE preparation because it helps in retention of all that has been learnt. Before taking a mock, try to revise the concepts you are likely to encounter in the test. This will ensure you do not forget the concepts you have learnt, which, in turn, will help improve your score in the mock. Trust me, constant revision does wonders for your JEE preparation.

In the last month of your preparation, you should take at least 3 mock tests per week. For the two months before that, take 1-2 mocks per week. And for the period before that, taking 1 test per month should be targeted.

Importance of Analyzing your Performance in JEE Mock Tests

Just taking mock tests is not sufficient. Analyzing your performance is what makes the real difference. If you don’t analyze, you will not be able to identify your weak areas, which will eliminate the possibility of you working on them, and converting them into your strengths.

After taking a mock, match your answers with the answer key. Check the solutions of questions you had answered incorrectly. This will help you pinpoint concepts you might have misunderstood. Making a silly mistake is a different issue; but, if that is not the case, you will be able to isolate the topic(s) you need to study again. At the same time, you should take a look at the solutions to those questions you did not attempt. Doing this will help you detect those topics you have not fully grasped. Last, but not least, look at the solutions to questions you had attempted correctly. See if you can find a different, quicker, easier approach to solving them.

Once you are done with the analysis, study the topics you are not comfortable with, again. This will help you develop a much deeper understanding of those. Also, while solving mocks, experiment with different order of subjects. That will lead to finding the one most suitable for you.

Ideal Way to Practise JEE Mock Tests

No doubt, taking mock tests and analyzing them is important, but it is solving them the right way that will definitely give a boost to your performance in the JEE. Before solving a mock, make sure the conditions are similar to that of the actual exam.

  • Sit at a stretch for 3 hours while solving any mock, just like you will be doing during the JEE.
  • Keep a water bottle with you. While taking the exam, you will not be allowed to leave the hall, even if you are thirsty.
  • Request your friends and family members not to disturb you while you are solving a mock test.
  • Attempt the mock as per the timings of the actual exam. This will help tune your body clock to be at its most alert during the exam hours.

To conclude, while taking & analyzing mocks make sure you go that extra mile, which will certainly improve your JEE rank.

If you haven’t already applied for JEE 2019, apply now.

You may also like to read JEE 2019: Implications of the new scenario and Action plan to tackle JEE in its new avatar.

All the best!