End of the road? No, just the beginning

Welcome happiness and good mental health

We all have been directed by our parents and elders to take good care of our body and soul to lead a healthy life ahead. Our childhood memories sure have a reflection of how our parents and teachers would talk about staying healthy and fit. And no wonder why this matter has been every parent’s concern. Our body provides the functional mechanism to our soul. It deserves to be taken care of. Whenever we fall sick we immediately consult a doctor and start taking prescribed medicines diligently, but the irony arises when our mental health is affected, our mind begins to feel sick. Nobody wants to talk about a sick, depressed mind. Why?

Because, according to stereotypical mentality of people, it brings embarrassment in the society. People feel it is in our hands to control how our mind works and functions. Depression and its treatment is still a taboo in our society. We take a lot pride in saying “cold ho gaya hai to doctor ke paas jana hai”, but we all go mum when our friends or relatives begin to see a psychologist or a counselor. The very thing that we need to understand is that our mind, like any other organ, is a very important part of our body. In fact, it is the foundation of our body.  No human can work well if our mind starts to feel sick or is not at peace. Hence we need to take care of our mental health and have a more positive and accepting attitude towards depression.

According to the World Health Organization, India is one of the most depressed countries in the world with a whopping 36% of Indians likely to suffer from major depression at some point in their lives. Yet it is one of the least talked about illness in the society. Even those suffering from ill mental health or depression chose not to stand for themselves. At the same time we must also do our bit to keep people around us happy and healthy. We should be able to register if anyone around us is suffering from depression only then we can lend a helping hand. A simple, healthy conversation can tell us a lot about other’s physical and mental help.

Take a note of the conversation illustrated below:

Mr. A- Hi! How are you? You seem so lost these days.
Mr. B- Hello. Yes, I don’t feel like talking to anyone. Just want to be alone.

Mr. A- Why? Is everything alright?

Mr. B- No, not all. I am facing problems on every front- work, career, family and personal life. It’s been almost a month since I have eaten properly. I don’t sleep without taking pills. Things are pretty much bad. I have become cranky and obnoxious. Don’t know what to do.

Well, have you or anyone close to you ever been through this. If yes, then this can’t be taken lightly. These are the symptoms that educate us about one’s mental health. These are just few of the signs of a depressed mind like frustration, hopelessness, anxiety, memory loss etc. Read, ways to enhance your memory. Several organizations, NGOs and renowned personalities are doing their bit to lend a helping hand to those suffering.

Few immediate steps that can be taken in such cases are:

  1. Talk to your closed ones about your problems.
  2. Do what you like, indulge yourself in activities that interest you, take a break, go out with people you like.
  3. Eat healthy food. Stay away from junk, alcohol and caffeine.
  4. Spend time with family and friends.

The fight to make depression more acceptable in our society had begun years ago but, with Deepika Padukone talking about her depression and how she battled it, further fuelled and strengthened the arguments in its favor. It, somewhat, left an impact on our society, but not at large. It educated only a small fraction of our society. We still need to get more people on the floor to increase the acceptance of depression and its treatment among our countrymen. Our very talented director ‘Gauri Shinde’ made a sincere effort in raising this issue in her latest film ‘Dear Zindagi’. The film talked about how important is it to identify the symptoms of depression and to being therapy on time. You don’t need to fight within yourself. Don’t let your insides suffer. Silent suffering is the worst form of suffering. Get up, and look out for help. We can not conquer depression alone.  True that none of us can have Shahrukh Khan as a mentor in real life, but we surely can find our ‘Jehangir Khan’ in some way or the other.

So dear students, it’s time to bid a farewell to depression and open your arms to welcome happiness.