GK preparation mantras for CLAT, AILET and other LAW entrance exams

Law entrance GK preparation Mantras

General Knowledge or GK is one of the most unpredictable and highest scoring sections. Also this section carries a high weightage in any Law exam. Whether you are appearing for CLAT, BLAT, AILET, SET, MHCET or any exam, almost 25% of any exam paper is based on GK. You may not realize, but, this section  not only helps you to score high in your exams but also helps you to ace group discussions and interviews.

Building up general awareness is a continuous process. There is no right time for GK preparation. But yes! If you start your law Entrance GK preparation ahead of time, the fruits of benefit will be in your basket.

Hope you would have already read Secret to prepare for your first Law entrance exam. Before sharing the tips and tricks for GK preparation, let’s have a look at the topics covered in the GK section of the exams.

The GK section of any Law exam is a fair mix of Current Affairs and Static GK.

Current Affairs GK includes questions from these topics:

  • International News
  • Sports and Movies
  • Business and Economy
  • Awards and Honors
  • Science and Technology
  • Government and Politics

Static GK includes question from these topics:

  • Indian & World History
  • Geography
  • Arts and Literature
  • Personalities
  • Science & Technology
  • Business and Economy

Take a look at these tips and strategies for GK preparation:

Everybody just tell you to read newspapers, listen to AIR news and watch GD interviews to prepare well for Gk. We will tell you how to go about it.

Reading Habit: It is highly recommended for all the law aspirants to follow atleast Hindu Newspaper, preferably 2 to 3 newspapers. Besides, LSTians must go through their SIS for daily GK updates.

Reading newspaper daily will ease your GK learning. It is wise to keep an eagle’s eye on what is happening around you and stay updated. Read the editorial of a few newspapers of past two weeks.

Two to three newspapers must cover your mother tongue or regional language and the other should be an English newspaper. The best newspapers for law entrance GK preparation include ‘The Hindu’, ‘The Economic Times’ and ‘The Telegraph’.

Reading magazines like ‘The Chronicles’ ‘India today’ is an icing on the cake.

Watch News Channels: Watching TV just for fun does not increase your GK, but watching News channel daily does. Pick your favorite news reader and a suitable time for yourself, make a schedule of the best news channels and episodes and watch them daily. View breaking news and headlines.

Some interesting shows that may help you in preparing for current affairs, GK and GD’s are:

  • Newshour on Times Now
  • DNA on Zee News
  • Prime Time shows with feature programs on ABP News, NDTV and other private news channels
  • Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha Parliament Sessions on Doordarshan
  • KBC quiz show

Prepare GK Notes: Keeping a notebook in your own handwriting and words is always a good idea.

For current affairs and GK preparation, making notes is the best way to memorize facts and figures.

Note down what seems important to you as you cannot memorize everything. Write short notes and one liners, on what seems vital to you from exam point of view.

Use internet for GK preparation: Following internet for your law entrance GK preparation is a good option. YouTube, Wikipedia and Google are the best information pools on the web.

Follow competitive exam websites that offers free access and registration to monthly Pdf of GK and current affairs preparation.

If you fall short of time to read newspaper every day, follow the GD forum for discussions and opinions, the online version of these newspapers.

Follow the Twitter and Facebook Pages of online GK and Current Affairs groups. These might help you with the latest information, important questions and may give useful insight into preparation strategies. Also practice online mock tests on GK and current affairs.

Take online quizzes of educational websites. It acts as a parameter to evaluate your progress and performance level. Quizzes and one-liner on different topics help boost your confidence and morale. It gives a kind of assurance that you are prepared well.

To sum up, the difference between the successful and unsuccessful candidates is that the former focuses on what the latter misses. Effective strategy and strong presence of mind can help you achieve success in any competitive exam.

Hope your law entrance GK preparation goes well by paying attention to aforesaid tips.

Happy GKing!