IPM PI expected questions

IPM PI expected questions
IPM PI expected questions

Heartiest congratulations to IPM aspirants on clearing IPM 2016 exam and reaching this stage. Each one of you is looking forward to IIM Indore’s IPM programme.

A successful PI can do the trick. As the name suggests Personal Interview, PI is your unique experience and would differ for everybody. Hence, it’s uncertain and nothing can be predicted about it. However, there are some commonly asked questions, so you must prepare for them.

  1.  The most probable PI question is “Tell me about yourself”, depending on your answer, the conversation can go anywhere.
  2. Another PI question could be on assessing your Strengths, Weakness and Aim. This question could be asked in a direct or an indirect way and the idea would be to gauge your short term and long term vision.
  3. Another very important question could be “Why IPM”. I am sure, you would have thought of it , do put your thoughts down so that you are well prepared to answer this basic yet sensitive question.
  4. As a part of IPM PI questions, there might be questions to test your subject knowledge. These could stem out of a related question like “What was your favourite subject in class XIIth?.”
  5. Besides all this, be well prepared to answer General Knowledge Questions. GK questions are one of the most common questions in any interview session. This not only tests your general awareness but also reflects your attitude towards life.
  6. You can expect questions on your hobbies or area of interest. Am sure, that should not be a problem.

A piece of advice, answer all questions using positive words and appropriate body language.

With IPM PI just round the corner, I wish you the very best on behalf of Team CL.