Question types of Pie Chart in DI section

Pie Chart in DI section

The ability to interpret data presented in tables, graphs and charts is a common requirement in Bank, MBA, GRE and GMAT entrance exams.  If you are applying for a job or for an admission in a course which involves decision-making based on numerical data, then gear up yourself for questions based on Pie Chart in DI section.

This post will guide you through different types of questions on Pie Chart in DI section you might face in your entrance examination.

Introduction to Pie-chart:

Pie Charts represent the total of certain values, which may be the source of profit for an organization, the total sales of a product with each of the organizations having a share in the total sales number for the year, distribution of certain value into the variables that these are composed of. It is taken as a circle with angle at the centre being 360 degrees. The distribution of the factors that are being considered gives these a share in the total. This is the percentage share in the total and also denotes the angle which it forms at the centre out of 360 degrees. A set of questions in DI section of Bank exams, CAT, XAT, IIFT may be asked; in case of SBI PO exam one of the questions may have a pie-chart rather than a set of questions based on pie-charts and data. Read, Bank Exam QA and Data interpretation.

Type of questions and examples on Pie Chart in DI section:

  • Data on foreign investment in a country

Foreign investment in a country comes in the form of foreign institutional investment, foreign direct investment, investment in bonds of an organization, etc.

Example: Data on foreign direct investment and trade can be used. If data on foreign direct investment is available for investment from different countries, a simple question that can be asked is, giving the percentage share in foreign investment from different countries.

  • Profile of students in a batch

Students in a batch may be engineers, those from science, arts background, etc. Profile also gives details of work experience.

Example: Questions on profiles of students can be asked. The questions that are asked in general are that of percentage of students that opt for a particular specialization.

Example: Percentage of students who get the maximum score in a subject?

Example: Percentage of students from a particular stream who have work experience of more than 2 years.

  • Market share of a product

Market share of a product in a category involves percentage share of an organization in sales of products in that category.

Example: Questions can be asked on the organization that had the largest percentage share. The difference between the organizations that have the highest and the second highest percentage share for a product can also be calculated.

Example: If the market share of a product increases substantially, then, what would be the decrease in the market share of another product that is a substitute of the product being considered?

  • Time allotted to concepts while preparing for an exam

Many Career Launcher students would have seen the feedback that is received about tests. This gives feedback about time taken on different questions. Students can then work on allocating time to different questions.

Example: A question on the ratio of time taken on each of the sections or sub-sections can be asked?

  • Another question that can be asked is about the questions for the ones time was allocated but could not be solved. Also, there could be questions on the ones that were solved but were incorrect.

Strategy for solving

  • Questions on pie-charts are not like the ones on bar charts and line graphs. Questions on pie charts are not asked that frequently.
  • The kind of skills required to solve these are similar to the ones required for solving questions with data being represented on a stacked bar chart.
  • Solving does not require more than a minute. The calculations can get you an approximate figure. A five digit number can be reduced to a two digit number by approximation. A value that helps you reach the correct alternative can be found through approximation.

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