5 ways to deal with Exam Anxiety

5 ways to deal Exam Anxiety

With exams on your mind, most of you would be  busy preparing, studying hard and revising your way. While some of you have devoted several hours to study, there are plenty of you who are struggling with exam anxiety.

Do you  get nervous before the big day?

It is perfectly normal to find yourself in a battle against exam anxiety. Yet, wouldn’t it be brilliant, if you could somehow control the anxiety and acknowledge the ‘D-day’ as just another day?

It will be!

It’s all in your head! The human mind being such a powerful part of the human body gives you the ability to control your emotions and fears. Here are 5 ways to deal with Exam Anxiety and  get over your exam anxiety woes.

  1. Devise a strategy: Sun Tzu once said, ‘Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war and then seek to win’. So, why let the warrior inside of you go to war unprepared? Strategize your study schedule and you will not only have more time to prepare but will also be able to analyze your performance as you move forward. With this insight, it will be easier for you to take charge through your exam preparation, manage your timeand help fight against exam anxiety.
  2. Revision is important: Once prepared, it is very important for you to save some time for revision. Subjects studied earlier tend to fade away from the memory and a quick look before the exams refreshes the facts in your mind and your confidence. One of the reasons many students face anxiety is because of the lack of confidence, revision lightens you up and give your confidence a boost in the struggle against exam anxiety.
  3. Breaks are important: Imagine studying ten hours at a stretch! After reaching the saturation point, no matter how much you study, you will stop absorbing information. This will make you anxious and fill you with a feeling of being unprepared. It’s important to realize the importance of short breaks between study hours to relax your mind. It helps the mind, letting it relax. Manage your time to save some for breaks. It could be a short walk, dancing to your favourite tracks or even taking a quick power nap.
  4. Health is Wealth: When you are preparing for exams, it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sleep deprivation is a major cause of exam anxiety. We’ve all been told, ‘A healthy mind leads to a healthy body’. Eating junk food and not following a proper schedule can do a lot of harm to your body. While burning late night lamps is seen as a sign of hard work and dedication, a sound sleep is necessary to provide nutrition to your body, especially in your battle against exam anxiety.
  5. The night before: It is the final night of exam preparation. You are worried and panicking. What do you do? You study more, right? Wrong! You keep the books aside, relax for a bit, take some deep breaths and call it an early night. Contrary to common belief, studying late the night before an exam generally impedes progress. This leads to more exam anxiety. Wake up early with a fresh mind, keep faith in your preparation and walk into the examination hall with full confidence!

It’s time to let go of your fears. Hard work always pays off. Make sure you keep your body healthy during the examination season and finally All the best in your fight against exam anxiety.