How to stick to your new year study resolutions?

How to stick to your new year study resolutions?

Happy New Year to all our readers!

Did you make a new year resolution in 2017?

Most students fail to keep up their New Year’s resolution of studying ahead of time and giving their 100%. Read, start your test prep early. The resolutions can be achieved only if you stay disciplined despite of distractions around you.

Have you been sticking to it? 🙂

It’s early to ask this question, however, it’s important for you to stick to your New Year resolution simply because it would be pertaining to a life goal that matters to you. For instance, as a student, if your New Year resolution is to get through that MBA or banking entrance exam or grab a seat in a prestigious NLU or an IIT, then it is a significant life goal and requires dedication.

Now that we have understood why stick to your New Year resolution, let’s explore ways to help you do that.

  1. Positive feeling about the New Year resolution: Phrase your study resolution as if you’ve already achieved it. The positive feeling that circles around it will motivate you to stick to it.
  2. Break it up and make one change at a time: Since your cannot control your will power to cent percent, make resolutions that require small acts of will, not weeks of vigilance. Intend for realistic and achievable tasks. It is easy to understand that multiple resolutions are not likely to work altogether, the better you are at making small changes, the easier it will be for you to keep going. Therefore, set smaller tasks throughout the year to stick to your New Year study resolution.
  3. Set resolution reminder: Use repetition to strengthen new habits. When you feel discouraged, remind yourself how much you’ve accomplished in the past, remind yourself why you so badly wanted that and it will remind you how much willpower you really have. Continuous reminders of intrinsic motivation are the most important factors that will help you stick to your new year study resolutions.
  4. Resolution Idols: Find people or your idols to help you stick to your New Year study resolution. Ideally, these resolution idols should be people who have already achieved similar goals.
  5. Build up to your new year study resolutions: Set a backup plan to dealing with temptation and setbacks. More importantly, celebrate your success all the way. This indeed will help you stick to your new year study resolutions.

“People typically succeed because their ‘why’ is bigger than their ‘but,’” said Elizabeth Lombardo.

Good luck for the new year study resolutions ahead!