SSC CHSL 2015 result declared, marks available

30,44,455 candidates appeared, 60,975 candidates have qualified

SSC CHSL 2015 exam result declared

SSC CHSL 2015 marks available

SSC CHSL 2015 was conducted in month of November and December. Staff Selection Commission has released the marks and OMR sheet of SSC CHSL 2015 Exam.

To know the cut-off and other details, read here.

SSC CHSL 2015 exam result declared

The result of the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam 2015 conducted by the Staff Selection Commission has been declared. The CHSL exam was held in November and December 2015 at various examination centers across the country.

30,44,455 candidates appeared in the SSC CHSL 2015 exam. 60,975 candidates have qualified to appear for the next stage – Descriptive Paper.

SSC CHSL Descriptive Paper is tentatively scheduled to be held on 18.09.2016. You may check out the SSC CHSL learning options here.

Cut-off marks (out of 200 marks):

Category General OBC SC ST Ex.S
Cut-off Marks 119.00 110.00 99.00 89.50 45.0

To check the cut-offs, visit:

To check the result, visit:

Wish you the very best for the next stages. Stay tuned!