SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2016 Admit Card Available

SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2016 Admit Card Available

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2016 Admit Card. The admit card is made available on the website of the Regional Offices.

The admit card for SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2016, to be held from August 27, 2016 to September 11, 2016 is now available. Students can download the same from the following link : You will have to click on ‘Admit Card’ tab.

SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2016 will be conducted in 3 slots, starting 10am onwards for the first slot. Candidates are requested to reach their test venue an hour before the time.

You might like to learn more about SSC CGL revised exam pattern. In case you are looking for some practice before the SSC CGL Tier I Exam 2016, you may click here. 

Since SSC CGL exam will be conducted online in 2016. To make candidates familiar with the paper pattern, SSC has released the link for the practice set of full-length paper for SSC CGL Tier I 2016 exam. To view the official format of the online practice test, visit

All the best!