SBI SO Recruitment notification updates!

SBI SO recruitment open
State Bank of India invites on-line applications from Indian citizens for appointment in Specialist Cadre Officers post in State Bank of India. Over 300 positions are open as per this SBI SO recruitment notification.

Important dates as per the SBI SO recruitment notification 2016 are:

On-line Registration of Application: 04th October 2016 to 22nd October 2016
Payment of Fee On-line: 04th October 2016 to 22nd October 2016
Date of Online Test (Tentative): 25th November 2016 
Call letter for the online test will be available from: 15th November 2016

SBI has released a notice for postponing SBI SO 2016 exam.

Here are some important dates for the aspirants who are taking SBI SO 2016 Exam.

Re-scheduled exam date: 22nd January 2017

Download of call letter: 12 January 2016.

Following is the non-refundable application fee as per the SBI SO recruitment notification:
1. Rs.100/- (Intimation Charges only) for SC/ST/PWD candidates
2. Rs. 600/- (App. Fee including intimation charges) for General category candidates and others
You may view the actual notification here.
Wishing you the very best!!