Paper Analysis of CBSE Class X Math 2019


On March 7, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducted the first major exam for Class X, namely, Mathematics. An estimated 16.4 lakh students appeared for the exam that was conducted from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

This year, CBSE had set the questions in such a way that different sets had different question papers. Consequently, the difficulty level of the papers varied. Nevertheless, most of the students Career Launcher representatives interacted with said that they did not face any difficulty in solving the paper.

Majority of the students were quite happy after the exam; and believed that the paper was easier than that of last year. They did not find any problem in completing the paper in the given time period of 3 hours. Rohan, from Cambridge School, expressed that the question paper was easy; and expected to score more than 75 marks. Neha from  was sure she will score 80+. Section D was almost unanimously considered to be most difficult and time consuming. Many questions were almost similar to those asked in the previous years. All the questions were directly taken from NCERT books; and none was out of syllabus.

Format of the question paper

There were 30 questions divided into four sections. Section A had 6 questions of 1 mark each; Section B too had 6 questions, but of 2 marks each; Section C had 10 questions of 3 marks each; while Section D had 8 questions of 4 marks each. There was no overall choice, but internal choice was provided for a few questions (for example, in two questions of 1 mark, two questions of 2 marks, four questions of 3 marks, and three questions of 4 marks). Students had to attempt only one of the alternatives in all such questions. 

Section No. of questions Marks per question Internal Choice
Section A 6 1 2
Section B 6 2 2
Section C 10 3 4
Section D 8 4 3


Career Launcher’s view

According to Career Launcher’s CBSE mentors, the Math paper was easy. However, questions from the Trigonometry section were a bit difficult and time consuming. Those who have solved previous years’ question papers would have found a lot of similar questions. In conclusion, it was a good beginning to the Class X Boards.