IBPS Clerks VI – 2016 Recruitment Notification

Over 19000 jobs announced!

IBPS Clerks VI – 2016 Recruitment Notification

Good news for all who aspire to work for the IBPS! Over 19000 jobs announced with the latest IBPS Clerks VI – 2016 Recruitment Notification.

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has declared IBPS Clerks VI – 2016 Recruitment Notification. The preliminary exam will be conducted online by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) tentatively in November & December 2016. The important highlights of the recruitment process are:

S. No. Activity
Tentative Dates
1. Online Registration duration 22nd August 2016 to 12th September 2016
2. Call letter downloading for preliminary examination 18th November 2016 onwards
3. Online Examination – Preliminary 26th & 27th November and 3rd & 4th December 2016
4. Result of preliminary examination December 2016
5. Call letter downloading for the main examination December 2016
6. Online examination – Main 31st December 2016 and 1st January 2017
7. Provisional Allotment April 2017


  1. The Eligibility Criteria as per IBPS Clerks VI – 2016 Recruitment Notification:

(i) Educational criteria : Graduate from any recognized university as on 12th September 2016.

(ii) Age criteria: Not below 20 years and not above 28 years as on 1st August 2016.

You may view the actual IBPS Clerks VI – 2016 Recruitment Notification here.

Stay tuned for more….