IAS Officers: Transfers and Posting Policy


The roles and responsibilities of an IAS officer are indeed extremely important. Another important element that one should keep in mind is the fact that it is an all-India transferable job. You can be posted anywhere across the country. Hence, it becomes important to know the transfer and posting policies of IAS officers.

IAS Transfer Rules: Important Points

Some of the important points that should be noted with reference to transfer rules of IAS officers are:

  • Only the central government can make the rules for the transfer of IAS officers.
  • However, the central government consults with the state governments for the formation of these rules.
  • The power of transfer of cadre of IAS officers lies solely with the Central government.
  • Majorly, the cadre changes happen in the case of the marriage of two IAS officers. Either one of them is sent to the cadre of another or both of them are transferred to some other third cadre.

Inter-state Transfer Rules For IAS Officers

  • The interstate transfer of IAS officers is permitted only in the case of the marriage of IAS officers. In such a case, both should be a member of Indian Administrative Services and must apply for cadre change citing the reason.
  • In the rarest of rare cases, some officers may also get transferred because of the hardships in certain areas. ‘Extreme hardship’ for inter-cadre transfer requests include the threat to the life of the IAS officer or his immediate family or severe health problems to the officer or his immediate family due to the climate or environment of the State to which he is allotted.
  • In both the cases, i.e, of request on grounds of threat or health, the Central Government shall have the authenticity of the request assessed by an independent Central agency or group of at least two independent experts.
  • If such requests are to be genuine, the Central government may initially send the officer on a three years deputation to a State of its choice. The situation may be reassessed after the three year period and if the situation so warrants, the Central Government may permanently transfer the officer to that State.
  • The inter-cadre transfer is not permitted to the home-state of IAS officers.
  • In the case of inter-cadre transfer on the grounds of marriage, in the first instance, efforts should be made to ensure that the cadre of one officer accepts another officer.
  • If both the states refuse to do so, then the government of India decides the third cadre for the couple.

Deputation for Cadre Officers

  • Cadre officers are appointed for service under the Central Government or another State Government, or through an association or body of individuals, that belongs entirely or substantially to the Central Government or by another State Government. This commission is subjected to any disagreement state between the Company and cadre officer. In that case, the Central Government and the State Governments concerned will come to a decision.
  •  A cadre officer may also be commissioned through an alternate provision under a company, association or body of individuals, whether embodied or not, which is totally or essentially governed by a State Government, a Municipal Corporation or a Local Body, by the State Government on whose cadre he is borne.
  • Another deputation by an autonomous body is under an international organization, not checked by the Government, or a private body, by the Central Government in consultation with the State Government on whose cadre he is borne but given that no cadre officer shall be delegated to any organization.
  • The above commission is bound to terms that no cadre officer shall be delegated to a post beside a post bearing a prescribed pay which is below, or a pay scale, the maximum of which is below, the basic pay he allegedly reserved in the cadre post but for his commission.

Postings of cadre officers

  • All deputations to the State cadre posts and Joint Cadre posts are conducted by the State Government and the State Government concerned respectively.
  • The Central Government consulting with the concerned State Governments set the term of the cadre posts mentioned for the State involved in item 1 of the Schedule to the Indian Administrative Service (Fixation of Cadre Strength) Regulation, 1955.
  • A cadre officer maintains the minimum prescribed tenure excluding the event of deputation outside the State, training exceeding two months, promotion, or retirement.
  • Following the recommendation of a Committee on Minimum Tenure, an officer may be relocated before the minimum prescribed tenure, based on the Schedule annexed to these rules.
  • A cadre officer may be deployed by the State Government to take an ex-cadre post while the authorization of the Central Government remains valid, and the mentioned ex-cadre post will be regarded as an extension to the number defined in item 5 of the indicated Schedule.
  • Intending to assist leave schemes for not more than 6 months period, the State Government relative to the post borne on the State Cadre or the Joint Cadre, require that any two cadre posts or a cadre post coupled with a parallel post may be kept concurrently by one solo cadre officer.
  • One who is not a cadre officer cannot accommodate a cadre post in a state unless there is no befitting cadre officer for the post or in case the vacancy is unlikely to last beyond three months.
  • Additionally, the State Government shall secure the prior consent of the Central Government for keeping the individual who is not a cadre officer for more than three months period.
  • No cadre posts shall be held unfilled or in suspension for more than six months period without the acceptance of the Central Government.
  • Therefore, the State Government shall notify the Central Government concerning the following issues, specifically: – The duration for which the State Government keeps the post vacant or suspended; the motives behind the proposals; the provision, if exists, meant for the obligation of the post; and if suggested to create any measures for the operation of the responsibilities of the post to be held unfilled or on hold, and if yes, the specifics of such proceedings.


The purposeful quest behind the entire procedure of postings, deputations, and transfers is to procure the excellent IAS officers along the lines of integrity and operation wherever they can deliver their best work.

Previously, the political references for postings and relocations of IAS Officers were a potential medium for governing political parties to display favouritism over the Officers. However, according to the recent reform system, the officer’s duty areas have been stated distinctly from that of the political government, and the citizens believe that the bureaucrats do not owe their posts to anyone.