Demystifying DI

Importance of Data Interpretation cannot be denied

DI in entrance exams

Overview: Number crunching or chewing on numbers is routine for the employed irrespective of position and domain or vertical. A significant amount of time goes into making sense of numbers – linking, analyzing and analysing trends and statistics. DI in entrances exams is all about analysing and comprehending data and figures.

DI in entrance exams has touched a new level from what it was a decade back. The level of questions has changed drastically and students can solve those questions easily and quickly. The examiner thus needs to take the difficulty level a notch above the usual so as to test the candidates on a differentiating parameter. Only those who are able to reach that level of test taking can prove themselves to be ahead of the herd. As examiners have changed, so have the ones preparing the students for taking the test. Now new question types are being worked upon to serve as the factor that differentiates.


  • DI in entrance exams involves tricks & techniques that may be borrowed from Vedic Math, the ancient Indian methods that are used to make mathematical analysis simpler and faster.
  • Apart from Vedic Math, there are modern mathematical tools that enhance analysis speed. These tricks are not mystical truths available only to a few but can be taught quickly by those in the know. This is where online coaching comes into play. Concept videos are just one aspect of coaching meant to support the academic initiatives for getting a hang of what is required to be done in order to solve quickly yet approximately.

Why it matters: Post-test use

  • The importance of DI in entrance exams cannot be denied. Whether it is the datasets in newspapers highlighting figures or those meant to be a part of reports perused by the top management for decision making, data interpretation and presentation hold the key.
  • The top management is the one taking the decision but the reports always require data interpretation. Test preparation that requires building a repertoire of skills to solve questions offers you options in the form of classroom coaching, correspondence programme and Test Series.
  • Classroom coaching for data interpretation is the one that is more sought after by those who are the first time test-takers. Otherwise, it is the online coaching and test series that are opted  by professionals and test-takers who have not been successful in their first attempt.
  • These days statistical modelling has also come into the picture. Therefore, basic data interpretation techniques have to be a part of one’s knowledge base for most jobs. Preparatory material for data interpretation thus prepares candidates for entrance tests as well as the jobs.


  • The requisite skill-set for data interpretation and logical reasoning questions is acquired through practice. Question data sets that are palpably easy also require practice. That is what is provided through the Test Series and sectional tests on Data Interpretation.
  • Online test series evaluates the skills acquired that can make data interpretation a cakewalk in case of entrance tests. These range from the ones for top B-schools such as CAT, XAT and those for the Symbiosis colleges such as SNAP, etc. Classroom coaching and SSC test series can form significant elements of test preparation through institutes.

Career Launcher offers classroom programs, correspondence programs along with opportunities for taking sectional tests that focus only on the DI section.