CLAT 2018: Last date to Apply Online- 31 March

CLAT 2018

Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is the most coveted of all the law entrances in India after Class XII. CLAT journey started in 2008 and today more than 40,000 students write the entrance every year to secure a seat in one of the participating National Law University. CLAT 2018 is the gateway to 19 National Law Universities, which will accept the score to admit students to their integrated five year Law programs. Other than NLUs, some reputed private colleges and Universities like NMIMS, Mumbai; Institute of Law, Nirma Universty at Ahmedabad and UPES, Dehradun, also accept CLAT Score to admit students for their five year Law program.

CLAT 2018: Eligibility

To be eligible for CLAT, the candidates must have secured:

(a) Forty five percent (45%) marks in Qualifying Exam (Class XII or equivalent) in case of candidates belonging to Unreserved /OBC /Specially Abled Persons (SAP) and other categories.

(b) Forty Percent (40%) marks in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.

Candidates who are appearing in the qualifying examination in March/April 2018 are also eligible for appearing in CLAT-2018 online examination. However, they shall be required to produce an evidence of their passing the qualifying examination at the time of admission, failing which they shall lose their right to be considered for admission.

There is no age limit for CLAT

CLAT 2018: Exam Pattern

CLAT is a test of one’s aptitude and reasoning abilities. It comprises of five sections namely: Verbal Ability, Mathematics, Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge and Legal Aptitude.

CLAT is a computer based test.

Section No. of Questions
Verbal Ability 40
Mathematics 20
Logical Reasoning 40
General Knowledge 50
Legal Aptitude 50
Total Marks 200
Total Time (min) 120


Each question carries 1 mark and for every incorrect attempt, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

CLAT is a computer based test.

CLAT 2018: Important Dates

Registration Closes: 31 March 2018

Date of Exam: 13 May 2018

Date of Result: 31 May 2018

With just 10 days to go, please ensure you have applied for CLAT 2018 and not miss the opportunity to study at top Law colleges of the country. To apply, please visit the official CLAT page.

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