CBSE Board Exams: Class 10 Results Out!

CBSE Class 10 Results
CBSE Class 10 Results

The Class 10 Results have been released by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Students can check their results at the official CBSE site here. Out of 17,74,299  registrations for the CBSE Class 10 Board exam, 17,61,078 appeared for the exam & 16,04,428 students passed. The overall pass percentage is 91.10%.

Girls have a superior pass percentage of 92.45% compared to 90.14% of boys. Transgenders have outdone them all with a pass percentage of 94.74%. Region-wise, Trivandrum has the highest pass percentage with 99.85%. Chennai follows closely with 99.00% and Ajmer with 95.89%. The pass percentage in the Delhi region is 80.97%.

Class 10 Results: Steps to check Results

Here are the steps you need to follow to access your Class 12 Results-

  1. Go to the official CBSE website- and choose the CBSE Results option.
  2. Now click on Secondary School Certificate Examination ( Class X ) 2019.
  3. Enter your Roll Number, School Number, Centre Number & Admit Card ID.
  4. Take a printout of your results and make copies. Keep them safe as they are useful during your admission process.

Alternatively, you can use some of the methods listed below-

  • Digilocker- The Class 10 Results documents are available at the portal ‘Parinam Manjusha’. This portal is integrated with Digilocker.
  • IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System)- Use the following numbers to get your results via IVRS- 24300699 for users in Delhi and 011-24300699 for users elsewhere.
  • Apps- You can use the SMS Organizer app and fill in the necessary details in the CBSE Board Results section. Some other apps you can use to view the results are UMANG and myCBSE.

Class 10 Results: Re-verification & Revaluation Process

Students not satisfied with their Class 10 results can apply for the Re-verification or Revaluation process. These are the steps to follow-

  • Apply for Re-verification of marks. Re-verification refers to an error in totalling of marks or marks allotted to a question not being considered in the final tally. This is the first step. Only students who apply for Re-verification are eligible to obtain photocopies of their answer-sheets. Re-verification costs Rs 500 per subject.
  • Next, the students receive a response to their Re-verification claim. If they feel that the deserved marks are still not awarded, then they can apply for a photocopy of the answer sheets. The cost for a photocopy of the answer sheet is Rs 500 per subject.
  • Upon receiving the photocopy, if there are questions for which a student feels they should get marks on the basis of the marking scheme, then they can apply for Revaluation. Revaluation is done on a per question basis. The cost is Rs 100 per question.

Class 10 Results: Toppers

The highest marks in the CBSE Class 10 Board Exam 2019 is a near-perfect score of 499 out of 500. 13 students have this score. 25 students follow with a score of 498/500. 59 students share the third rank with a score of 497 marks.

We are proud to announce that the Class 10 Results of students in Career Launcher tuition centres were fantastic. Most of our students scored above 90%. Amongst these students was Kashish Mitra, who secured the fourth rank with a score of 496 out of 500. She is a student at our Noida tuition centre and she said- ‘ Career Launcher has helped me immensely in sailing the boards. I would especially like to thank Gaurav sir, my maths teacher who helped in clearing all my doubts and concepts throughout the year. The study material provided by Career Launcher helped me in achieving a good result. ‘

We hope your results went just as well or even better! You should check out, our online learning platform to explore different streams. In case of any queries, you can write to us below!

We wish you the very best!

Team Career Launcher