CLAT 2017 Update!

CLAT 2017 update

Are you preparing for CLAT 2017?

There is a CLAT 2017 notification! CLAT 2017 will be conducted by Chanakya National Law University (CNLU) Patna.

Important dates for CLAT in the academic session 2017-2018:

  • Commencement date for online application submission: 1st January 2017.
  • Last date for submission of online application forms: 31st March 2017.
  • Date of online examination:  14th May 2017.
  • Time of online examination: 3 pm to 5 pm.

18 National Law Universities will consider CLAT scores for admissions to their under graduate program. To know more about CLAT 2017 exam pattern, syllabus, you may visit CLAT exam page.

The list of 18 participating NLUs are:
National Law School of India University, Bangalore (NLSIU).
National Academy of Legal Study & Research University of Law, Hyderabad (NALSAR).
National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU).
The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata (WBNUJS).
National Law University, Jodhpur (NLUJ).
Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur (HNLU).
Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar (GNLU).
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow (RMLNLU).
Rajiv Gandhi National Law University, Patiala (RGNUL).
Chanakya National Law University, Patna (CNLU).
National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi (NUALS).
National Law University Odisha, Cuttack (NLUO).
National University of Study & Research in Law, Ranchi (NUSRL).
National Law University & Judicial Academy, Assam, Guwahati (NLUJAA).
Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, Visakhapatnam (DSNLU).
Tamil Nadu National Law School, Tiruchirappalli (TNNLS).
Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai (MNLU).
Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur (MNLU)

Stay connected for more updates about CLAT 2017.




    • Hi Rahul,
      There is no clarity on the same as the notification is not talking about age limit. So, you will have to wait till they come out with specific notification for the same.

    • Dear Rahul, Thankyou for your comments. Here is the information. For Unreserved category, age limit should be below 20 years of age as on 1st July, 2017 and for reserved category applicants, it should be below 22.

  1. Tanish mam… How can we know that we will get admission in a particular NLUs out of so many NLUs? if i want to study in NLU,cuttack. will they permit me admission in this University or it depends on CLAT scores?

  2. Hlo
    tell me information about reservation for handicap students in clat and in case applicant is visually handicap then also he get benefited or not .
    How much I have to score to get admission in top 3 nlus

    • Dear Mayank,
      As per the notification one should be below 22 on 1st July. But, wait till 28th Supreme court might remove this age criteria.

    • Hi,

      The eligibility criteria for CLAT exam is as follows:
      1. As regards minimum percentage of marks in qualifying examination (i.e., 10+2), the candidates must have secured:
      (i) Forty five percent (45%) marks in case of candidates belonging to Unreserved /OBC /Specially Abled Persons (SAP) and other categories, and
      (ii) Forty Percent (40%) marks in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST categories.
      2. Students from any stream can appear for CLAT exam.

  3. I’ll recently decided to approach the clat examination ,after passing my 12th class, I wanna some information about that, like is this 12th percentage add on this ,and I’m a science student but want to join the field of law, till I’m not cross my 12th class yet, I’m 16years old, so could I approch to Clat examination after my 12th class,