SBI PO Main, 31 July 2016, Exam Analysis

SBI PO Main 2016, 31 July 2016 - Slot 1 analysis

SBI PO Main Analysis-31 July 2016

How does it feel after giving the Main exam for the aspiring SBI PO job? We are sure, you would be anxious to know more about SBI PO Main 2016.

SBI PO (Probationary Officers) Main Exam, July 31, 2016 – Slot 1 Analysis

All those who qualified the Prelims of SBI PO 2016, appeared for the Main exam today, conducted in two time slots- morning and evening. All the other sections, except the English Language section, were available bilingually, that is, in both English and Hindi. There was a negative marking of one-fourth marks assigned to that question for every incorrect answer.

SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam was divided into two parts – Part A and Part B.

Part A was an objective online test consisting of 155 questions, which had to be answered in 180 minutes.

Part B was a descriptive online test consisting of two writing tasks (Essay & Letter), which had to be completed in 30 minutes.

Let’s go through the detailed analysis and expected cut-off of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam.

Part A of SBI PO (Main) 2016 Exam:

 The detailed break-up of part A of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam is as follows:

Section Total Questions Total Marks Level of Difficulty Good Attempts Duration

 (In Minutes)

Reasoning & Computer Aptitude 45 60 Moderate-Difficult 26-30 60
Data Analysis & Interpretation 35 60 Moderate-Difficult 18-22 45

Banking Awareness

40 40 Easy-Moderate 26-30 35
English Language 35 40 Moderate-Difficult 18-21 40
Total 155 200 Moderate-Difficult 95-105 180

 Sectional and overall expected cut-off of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam:

Subject General SC/ST/OBC
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude (Out of 60 Marks) 14-16 11-13
Data Analysis & Interpretation (Out of 60 Marks) 14-16 11-13

Banking Awareness (Out of 40 Marks)

10-12 8-10
English Language (Out of 40 Marks) 12-14 10-12
Overall Objective Test (Out of 200 Marks) 125+ 115+

Overall the paper was difficult and out of the box. All sections, except, the General Awareness section featured new types of questions. Moreover, students were unable to easily comprehend what was asked in the questions.

Reasoning & Computer Aptitude section of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam:             

Topic Number of Questions Level of Difficulty
Puzzle (7 people belong to different cities & different profession) 5 Difficult
Sitting Arrangement (Linear) 5 Moderate-Difficult
Input-Output 5 Difficult
Mathematical Inequality 5 Moderate
Number Coding 5 Moderate
Coding-Decoding 5 Moderate-Difficult
Logical Reasoning 10 Moderate
Data Sufficiency 5 Moderate-Difficult


Level of difficulty of this section was moderate to difficult. There were no questions from Computer Aptitude. The Logical Reasoning part featured questions based on Statement-Assumption and Inference. An overall attempt of 26-30 questions can be considered as a good attempt.

Data Analysis & Interpretation section of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam: 

Topic Number of Questions Level of Difficulty
DI (Pie Chart) 5 Moderate-Difficult
DI (Line Graph) 5 Moderate-Difficult
Probability 2 Moderate
Time & Work 3 Moderate
DI (Table-Missing Data) 5 Difficult
DI (Bar Graph) 5 Moderate-Difficult
Quadratic Equations 5 Moderate-Difficult
Data Sufficiency 5 Moderate-Difficult


The overall difficulty level of this section was difficult and a well-prepared candidate could easily attempt 18-22 questions. Questions were calculation intensive and time consuming.

General/Economy/Banking Awareness section of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam:

Most of the questions were from the Banking Awareness, Financial Awareness and Current Affairs of last 3-4 months. Current Affairs dominated the section. There were some questions from static GK. A well prepared candidate could have attempted 26-30 questions.

English Language section of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam: 

Topic Number of Questions Level of Difficulty
Reading Comprehension (2 sets) 10 Moderate-Difficult
Irrelevant Statements 5 Moderate-Difficult
Synonyms & Antonyms 5 Moderate-Difficult
Sentence Completion (Single Fill in the blank) 5 Moderate
Statement Connection 5 Moderate-Difficult
Relevant Statements 5 Moderate-Difficult

The overall difficulty level of this section was moderate to difficult. A new set of questions instead of Cloze Test was asked in which a sentence was missing from the paragraph and correct statement was to be answered from the given options. Also Para Jumble was modified in such a way that an irrelevant statement had to be figured out from the given five options such that the remaining four form a coherent paragraph. A new set of questions was asked in which two sentences were given and the candidate had to combine the correct sentences using the starter. An overall attempt of 18-21 questions can be considered as a good attempt.

Part B of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam:

Part B of the SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam was an online descriptive test. There were two writing tasks to be completed in 30 minutes. Choice of topics was given for both the writing tasks.

Details of the descriptive test are given below:

Topic Description Marks Allotted
Letter writing 1 letter with a choice of 3 topics (1 informal and the other 2 formal) 20
Essay Writing (300 words) 1 essay with a choice of 3 topics 30

Expected cut-off for the descriptive paper of SBI PO (Main) 2016 exam:

Subject General SC/ST/OBC
Descriptive Test (Out of 50 Marks) 19 – 21 17 – 19


Disclaimer: All information on cut-offs, analysis, answer key and scores are based on independent analysis and evaluation made by Career Launcher. We do not take responsibility for any decision that might be taken, based on this information.

 If you have any query, feel free to ask and our experts will respond to the same.

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  1. by seeing the current level of po exam ,how to prepare for reasoning section very well ,can solving CAT and other mba exam reasoning question will help in this prepration

    • Dear Sid,
      Since it is a computer based test & the official question paper is not released, you may not be able to get the entire exact question paper. You could look at our mock tests which are on the paper pattern and close to actual paper.

  2. How to prepare for SBI Po 2017 mains as the paper previous year was out of pattern, where to get the questions from specially in maths and reasoning like those asked in 2016.please help.