9 Popular Law colleges beyond the NLUs

Popular Law Colleges beyond NLUs

National Law University or the NLUs are the top-ranked Law schools that come to your mind when you think of pursuing law. You would already know about India’s top NLUs.There are more than the ones you think that exist in the list of top 9 law schools. Know more about these popular law colleges now:

  1. Amity Law School, Delhi: One of the most popular brand based colleges lies in the list of top Law schools. The pro for this law college begins with what most of the people already know is the campus. Along with this, the placement of this Law school is on the top-notch level as well.
  2. Symbiosis, Pune: One of the oldest law college is Symbiosis Law School, Pune. Established in 1977 and has one of the finest faculty as well as the location. The cons, however, include the over eased out culture which tends to affect the placement of the college.
  3. GLC, Mumbai: Last but not the least the Government Law College is a relatively non famous college when it comes to culture but has one of the finest curriculum and running internships in the country.
  4. ILS, Pune: Coming from the city of students and where location and reputation is at its best, ILS keeps up the city’s name as it is talked about. The pros line up in the reputation of this college that has been intact since 1924. Along with this, the location of this college is a gem in its own way.
  5. Faculty of Law, Delhi: If it’s about the top colleges then this law college from Delhi University will come into the picture. The Faculty of Law has its pros under the domain of academics and location along with the placement opportunities that come along.
  6. Army Institute of Law, Mohali: Yes, the AIL has always been under the favorite law schools of the country. Bringing about a sense of discipline, this law college brings with a long list of pros that include the location, academics and the administration structure that remains strong ever since its founder and our former president Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam founded it.
  7. Faculty of Law, Jamia Millia Islamia: The JMI University’s Law college that makes it to this list with a strong academic grasp like its other sections, the pros include the disciplinary domain and the location that makes it an altogether strong institution.
  8. Jindal Law School, Sonepat: Undoubtedly, one of the finest colleges you will find in the list of top Law schools. The pros are definitely the faculty that comes on the high ranks of the country’s judiciary, along with this the infrastructure of the college makes every student proud.
  9. Symbiosis Law school, Noida: Last but not the least, the Symbiosis Law School, like its other branches, comes in the list of the top colleges, with the pros as the infrastructure and the eased out atmosphere for the student.

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