Revised exam pattern, schedule of SSC CGL 2016

SSC CGL exam pattern revised

Staff Selection Commission, SSC has released a notice highlighting SSC CGL exam schedule, timings and exam pattern. SSC has released the department wise vacancy list. You may view the same here.

SSC CGL Tier I Examination 2016 is scheduled to be conducted from 27.08.2016 to 11.09.2016. The Admit Card for Tier-I of examination will be uploaded on the website of the Regional Offices by 10th August, 2016.

SSC issued the Revised Scheme of Examination for CGLE 2016 on 1st July 2016. This was a big news for the SSC aspirants with few surprises regarding the SSC CGL exam pattern.

SSC CGL Exam Pattern – Revised Highlights are:

  1. SSC CGLTier-I will be of 200 marks and will include 100 questions now. Each of the four sections will consist 25 questions each of 2 marks with a negative of 0.5 marks. The duration of the Tier-I exam will be 75 minutes.
  1. SSC CGLTier-I and Tier-II will be Computer Based Tests.  There is no change in the exam pattern of Tier-II.
  2. Instead of INTERVIEW, SSC CGL Tier-III (of 100 marks) has been inducted which will require candidates to write Essay/Precis/Letter /Application in either English or Hindi. SSC CGL Tier III would be a descriptive type paper of 100 marks in Pen and Paper mode to be completed in one-hour duration.
  3. The Tier-IV would continue to be the Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) /Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) which would be of a qualifying nature. The marks obtained by the candidates in Tier I & Tier II, together, would determine the eligibility of the candidates to appear in Tier III & Tier IV.
  4. There will be no sectional cut-offs but a candidate will have to qualify all the phases separately.
  5. The final merit will be prepared on overall performance in Tier-I, Tier-II, Tier-III and Tier-IV.
  6. SSC CGL Tier-I is scheduled to be held from 27th August 2016 to 11th September2016. The examination on the first three days viz., 27.8.2016 to 29.8.2016 would be conducted in two batches and thereafter from 30.8.2016 to 11.9.2016, the examination would be conducted in three batches per day. The exam timings in this regard are given below. Timing for two Batches per day Timing for three Batches per day First Batch : 10.00 AM – 11.15 AM Second Batch : 4.15 PM – 5.30 PM First Batch: 10.00 AM – 11.15 AM Second Batch: 1.15 PM – 2.30 PM Third Batch: 4.15PM – 5.30 PM

Remember, the entry closing time will be half an hour before the scheduled exam start time. For detailed information, kindly click here to view the SSC CGL notification

We wish you the very best for your SSC exam preparation!

Stay connected for more updates!



  1. I think the last line of the notice says ” The final merit will be prepared on overall performance in Tier-I, Tier-II
    and Tier-III. However, the candidate will need to qualify all the tiers i.e. Tier-I,
    Tier-II and Tier-III separately. There will be no sectional cut-of , so we can’t say tier 1 will be qualifying

  2. As i was searching for SSC CGL pattern on GOOGLE, i came across your article and find out that now the pattern of SSC CGL has been changed. so to help your readers like me, i have made a latest post on updated exam pattern of SSC CGL. . i also request you to either update your post or you can also use the above link to redirect from your website. so that your regular readers like me won’t face the same problem.