What you can do with a law degree – 5 law career choices

5 popular law career choices
5 popular law career choices

Now since you have decided to get a law degree, a question that rings up in your mind is what will happen after that? What am I supposed to do after getting a law degree? Is it really worth it? If similar questions are running through your mind, then you have landed on the correct place. This post will guide you along the journey that lies ahead of a law degree.

Law, an elite career path, brings with it, a vast set of new opportunities. While getting a law degree is one thing, specialising in a particular field is entirely a different game. Just like Doctors have their specialities, Engineers choose the field of their choice, Lawyers too have numerous options to choose from. Yet, one must note that law provides you access to all three levels of the government i.e. Judiciary, Legislature and Executive while other professions are generally limited to the Executive and Legislature. With such prestigious opportunities in the foresight, let’s look at 5 popular law career choices as you embark on the journey to get a law degree.

  1. Corporate Law:

Perhaps, the most glorified of all law professions, majorly because of the popular TV show, ‘Suits, is corporate law. This is a very exciting option for all law aspirants looking forward to a challenging life and growing into the corporate world. The corporate law offers an amazing experience and is arguably, one of the best paying law jobs. Under this, lawyers are responsible for managing legal issues for multinationals and big corporations. With engagement all over the globe, companies need legal assistance for their day-to-day issues which is why the work is challenging and competitive. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to make it big in corporate law but the results are equally rewarding.

  1. Court of Law:

This is a preferred choice for a lot of those aspiring for a law degree. Serving in the court of law for district courts, high courts and the Supreme Court brings along a world of benefits and opportunities. Since the number of applicants is huge, the competition is equally tough. But once through, you are in for an experience with valuable perks that will envy your school friends. Lawyers working in the court of law usually handle criminal cases in a variety of domains and can specialise in an area of their interest.

  1. Government Examinations:

After a law degree, you can appear for the tests conducted by the Public Service Commissions to be appointed as a Judge of the court of law. This position requires experience but nowadays, with a high level of competence, young lawyers are finding their way to the panel of judges. It is definitely worth the extra effort! Not only this, several experienced lawyers decide to apply for the post of a public prosecutor, a solicitor general or serve a government ministry or department.

  1. Defence Forces:

Another very exciting career option for law degree holders is the Indian Armed Forces like the Navy, Air Force and the Army to look after their legal proceedings. This option though tough, is very attractive and comes with a range of benefits. CDS and JAG are some of the popular entrance tests for the position.

  1. Law Professors:

With a high demand for quality lawyers in India, there is always demand for experienced teachers who can nurture passionate and competent individuals in the field of law and legal education. The job is well paid, the perks are plenty and surely, the work is rewarding to those finding comfort in mentoring young, budding marvels. Teaching law is a prominent option for any aspiring lawyer and can help them lead a comfortable and fulfilling life.

As you head closer to your dreams and aspirations of getting a law degree, you should work harder and introspect yourself. When you fully understand what you strive for and how you can make the most of your skills, put your best foot forward with all the confidence you can muster. Start working and eventually, you will succeed in your chosen law career choice.

Wondering which top law colleges to join to choose the career of your choice? Get the entire list of top law colleges and their placement reports now!