Paying for your International Education

International Education

You decided for education abroad, found the desired course in the college you dreamt of and now, you’re on your way. The prospect of going to a new country comes the responsibility of paying for the same. Are you prepared to pay for your international education?

Read on to learn more about tips to equip you with the information required to sustain in a new country while paying for your education.

Absorb and adapt

Every country has a different culture, different lifestyle, and different laws. Research thoroughly, talk to people and browse through every possible source on the internet before you take the big decision of paying for your international education. It won’t sound pleasant when your roommate, who isn’t wise and clever enough, earns more than you, enjoys every weekend like he’s the richest person around.

Don’t settle for minimum wage

“I need a job”, said every student, everywhere. There’s no denying that paying for college yourself is an intimidating task. Obviously, you need a job. But don’t rush into one without listing all your options (there always are plenty). A minimum wage job would barely get you through the week, let alone enabling you to fulfill your wanderlust over the weekend. Don’t get disheartened by working over weekends. I can tell you, the paycheck that you get at the end of the month will put the biggest smile on your face and surely, pay for an extra stamp on your passport.

International Education Scholarships

Scholarships are the oldest trick to pay for your international education. There are many Government aided and privately funded scholarships that can facilitate your education abroad. There are plenty of scholarships that aren’t as notable as others, but can still be a viable source of financing. It’s a good practice to do some research before jumping to any conclusion.

Tax Returns

Pick a spring course for your international education and you can enjoy a nice inflow of cash when you get your tax return in April. Most students who work in college, filling the W-2 form can expect to get a decent tax return halfway through their study abroad semester. A clever idea is not to have your parents claim you as a dependent, which will ensure some extra cash magically appear in your account.


This is perhaps, the hardest to abide by of them all. If you’re a student who really likes to enjoy life, chances are you’ll find plenty of holes in your wallet from time to time. There’s no getting away from the fact that your requirements will always exceed the money in your pocket but budgeting is something that will get you through the worst. Avoid spending on needless things, cook at home (if possible) or perhaps, skip a party or two. Budgeting is the magic mantra for all international education students and you will realize that when you’ve saved enough for that extra large pizza at the end of the week.

Crowd Funding

Musicians, artists, poets or students looking for some money, in this case, your international education, are all finding ways to attract people’s attention and money. If you are paying for yourself, you will probably have a unique story to tell. Don’t hold back, share it with everyone. You will definitely find some unexpected donors.

University Programs

A lot of universities have programs that encourage students to travel. Whether it’s a part of research or to help you gain valuable experience, or merely get some work experience. Most universities do so by paying for the round-trip flight tickets, which can be the kind of saving that makes life easy and enjoyable. Be sure to look out for such programs. It might not be so hard to enjoy college life with a modestly filled wallet after all.

So, that’s it from my end. There are still several ways to get some extra bucks in your pocket. The world is emerging with new ideas and ways of making things happen. Surely, this is a start. I hope this was helpful to you and if you are already paying for college, I hope these tips will help you earn an extra, extra large pizza at the end of the week.

If you are planning an international education, you might like to know more about Career Launcher’s GRE and GMAT preparation programs.