JIGYASA: Daily Current Affairs Quiz of December 2, 2015

Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Dear Aspirants,

Here is the JIGYASA: Daily Current Affairs Quiz of December 2, 2015 for you!!

  1. Which among the following countries celebrates their National day on 1st December?
  • Central African Republic
  • Republic of Romania
  • Both A and B
  • None of the above

Answer: 3

  1. Who among the following has been appointed as the acting Chairman of the CBDT on 30th November, 2015?
  • R D Shah
  • K. Jain
  • S R Mehta
  • Anita Kapur

Answer: 2

  1. Which of the following states has declared the entire state as drought hit in December, 2015?
  • Gujarat
  • Rajasthan
  • Jharkhand
  • Madhya Pradesh

Answer: 3

  1. Which among the following telecommunication Companies has announced on 30th November 2015, that the company will no longer operate in Pakistan?
  • Telenor
  • Vodafone
  • Mobilink
  • Blackberry

Answer: 4

  1. Scientists have developed a soft, flexible and stretchable keyboard using a type of rubber that can be wrapped around any object. It is known as…
  • Electric elastomer
  • Dielectric elastomer
  • Elastomer key board
  • Third Generation elastomer

Answer: 2

  1. Who among the following has been re-elected as the president of the All India Tennis Association (AITA) on 28th November, 2015?
  • Anil Khanna
  • K. Khanna
  • Sheikh Ahmad
  • Vishnu Vardhan

Answer: 1

  1. Name the President longest beach festival of Asia inaugurated by President Pranab Mukherjee on 1st December, 2015.
  • Festa Da Diu
  • Sunburn Festival
  • Puri Beach Festival
  • DJ MAG Beach festival

Answer: 1

  1. Mayyazhi Mahotsavam (Fete de Mahe), a three-day cultural extravaganza, started on 29 November 2015 is celebrated in…
  • Kerala
  • Karnataka
  • Tamilnadu
  • West Bengal

Answer: 1

  1. Which of the following bills has not been passed by the Delhi Assembly on 1st December, 2015?
  • Delhi School Education (Amendment) Bill
  • Delhi Vocational Education (Amendment) Bill
  • Delhi School Verification of Accounts and Refund of Excess Fee Bill
  • The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Delhi Amendment) Bill.

Answer: 2

  1. Microsoft founder Bill Gates on 1st December, 2015 kicked off an international group of 28 titans of industry who will invest in technologies that will bring affordable, reliable and carbon free power from the research lab to the market. It is called…
  • Breakthrough Energy Group
  • Breakthrough Energy Summit
  • Breakthrough Energy Coalition
  • Breakthrough Energy Conference

Answer: 3

Happy learning!