JIGYASA: Daily Current Affairs Quiz of November 30, 2015

Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Dear Aspirants,

Here is the JIGYASA: Daily Current Affairs Quiz of November 30, 2015 for you!

  1. Which among the following pharmaceutical major has signed an investment agreement with FIL Capital Investments Mauritius II Ltd on 28th November 2015 concerning the consumer healthcare business?
  • Cipla
  • Alcon
  • Ranbaxy
  • NovaBay Pharmaceuticals

Answer: 1

  1. President Vladimir Putin has imposed economic sanctions against which country on 28th November 2015?
  • USA
  • India
  • Syria
  • Turkey

Answer: 4

  1. Albania celebrates its Liberation day on…
  • 27th November
  • 28th November
  • 29th November
  • 30th November

Answer: 3

  1. What is the term used by Indian corporates to raise money from overseas investors?
  • Gold bonds
  • Masala bonds
  • Rupee bonds
  • Economy bonds

Answer: 2

  1. Name the council formed by the Government of India in November, 2015 headed by the Mines Secretary.
  • Development Council for Marine Industry
  • Development Council for Mining Industry
  • Development Council for Granite Industry
  • Development Council for Chemical Industry

Answer: 3

  1. Indian Railways Account Service held its IRAS day on ___ .
  • 27th November, 2015
  • 28th November, 2015
  • 29th November, 2015
  • 30th November, 2015

Answer: 2

  1. Who among the following has been awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award At the 110th Annual Session of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 28th November 2015?
  • Raji Arasu
  • D. Agrawal
  • Sreedharan
  • Anuradha Acharya

Answer: 3

  1. Which of the following countries has been re-elected to Council of IMO under B category at the 29th session held on 27th November?
  • India
  • Brazil
  • ​Albania
  • Belgium

Answer: 1

  1. Which of the following countries has made the decision to resume whaling in the Antarctic Ocean by March 2016?
  • USA
  • China
  • Japan
  • Brazil

Answer: 3

  1. Which of the following nations is not a part of Commonwealth Trade Finance Facility for boosting trade and investment flows formed in November, 2015?
  • India
  • Malta
  • Mauritius
  • Bangladesh

Answer: 3

Happy reading!!