IBPS Clerk V-2015 Notification is Out!!


Important details of the examination are as follows:

  • Online registration of application: 11.08.2015 to 01.09.2015
  • Age (as on 01.08.2015): Minimum 20 years and Maximum 28 years
  • Qualification (as on 01.08.2015): A Degree (Graduation) in any discipline from a University recognized by the Govt. Of India or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government.
  • Selection Procedure:

Preliminary Examination: The preliminary Examination will be objective for 100 marks.

The test will have three sections, viz. English Language, Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability. The Reasoning and Numerical Ability section will have 35 questions worth 35 marks each. English Language section will have 30 questions worth 30 marks. The composite time for the test will be 1 hour.

The Main Examination: The main examination will be objective type of 200 marks. The examination will haven following 5 sections worth 40 marks each.

  1. Reasoning
  2. English Language
  3. Quantitative Aptitude
  4. General Awareness
  5. Computer Knowledge

Candidates who will qualify in preliminary examination and shortlisted will have to appear for main examination and shortlisted candidates in the main examination will subsequently be called for a common interview to be conducted by the Participating organizations and coordinating by the Nodal Bank.

Tentative dates for online examination:

Preliminary Examination: 05, 06, 12, 13, 19 and 20 December, 2015

Main Examination: 03 January, 2016

The link as follows:   http://www.ibps.in/career_pdf/Detailed_Advt_CWE_Clerks_V.pdf

All the Best!
Team CL


  1. Dear Aspirant,
    Thanks for sharing the concern. Here are some suggestions that might prove very useful for preparing the bank examination after the collage.
    1. Join a good test preparation course from a well established player. It is required looking at the number of aspirants taking this examination , they are estimated to be in double digit lakhs figure for sure!This will help you in getting the right guidance , material and training required to crack the examination at one place and will save your precious time that is generally wasted in searching relevant guidance.
    2. Get hold of books of past years papers to understand the nature of the paper.
    3. During coaching work on your basics , strengthen your weak areas
    4. And above all , PRACTICE , PRACTICE and PRACTICE quality mocks to crack the examination.
    Hope these inputs will at least initiate your journey to your cherished goal.
    All the best !