3 easy steps to become a Machine Learning Engineer


Life can be rewarding if you make the most of it. The same goes for your career. You need to make the most out of your career to make it count for something. You need to work hard. Unfortunately, hard work alone is not enough to build a rewarding career. You need to be best prepared, have the best strategy, and pick the best opportunities available to be successful.

For those of you who want to start a career in Machine Learning but don’t know where to start, we have good news. In this blog post, we will explore the steps you should take to start a career in Machine Learning.


Pick a Certification that adds value to your career:

The first step you should follow to become a Machine Learning Engineer involves something as basic as picking the right certification for you. You need to pick a certification that is best suited to your needs, something that adds value to your career.

Instead of working on machine learning projects like “the titanic prediction model” that will not advance your career; look for Certifications in Machine Learning which give you relevant projects to work on. Working on such projects will acquaint you with real life office problems as you will solve actual problems that companies face using your machine learning skills. Such projects are highly significant because it stands as a hallmark of your machine learning capabilities and dramatically increases your chance of getting employed by top companies.


Get certified from a recognized institute:

When it comes to making decisions about the rest of your life, don’t compromise. You will find free courses on machine learning online, but at the end of the day, someone who is certified from a reputed institute is always chosen over someone who has picked up their skills over the internet. An online course may cost you nothing, but it will also add no value to your career prospects. Gambling with your career over a few thousand rupees is just not worth it. Get certified and do so from a recognized institute.


Start your job application:

You can’t become a Machine Learning Engineer if you don’t apply for jobs. Lucky for you, the job market is ripe for Machine Learning Professionals and finding a job in Machine Learning is as smooth as running hot knife through butter.

While finding a job as a Machine Learning Engineer has become effortlessly easy due to its soaring demand, it is smart to not just be certified, but to be certified and have internship experience. Having an  internship experience in machine learning would make your quest of becoming a Machine Learning Engineer ten times easier and sweeter.


So there you go. These are the 3 easy steps that you should take to start your career in Machine Learning. Take the first step by signing up for a Certification in Machine Learning today!