IBSAT 2016 announced

IBSAT 2016
IBSAT 2016

The ICFAI Foundation For Higher Education has recently announced the dates of IBSAT 2016. IBSAT is an online aptitude test conducted by The ICFAI Foundation for students seeking admission to the MBA / PhD programs of IBS Hyderabad. Important dates as per the IBSAT 2016 notification are:

IBSAT 2016 Application submission: July 01, 2016 – December 18, 2016

IBSAT 2016 Exam dates: December 16, 2016 – December 27, 2016

IBSAT 2016 Result: January 06, 2017

Selection briefings will be conducted: January 20 – January 30, 2017

Selection process: February 17 – 26, 2017

About IBSAT 2016

IBSAT is a Computer Based Test (CBT) and consists of multiple choice questions. IBSAT is of 2 hours duration and is aimed at testing the applicant’s ability in quantitative techniques, data interpretation, data adequacy, vocabulary, analytical reasoning and reading comprehension.

Interested aspirants may note that GMAT/CAT 2016/NMAT by GMAC scores are also accepted in place of IBSAT 2016 for admission to the following programs:

  • MBA program offered by IBS Dehradun and IBS Jaipur.

 PGPM (Post Graduate Program in Management) program offered at IBS Ahmedabad, IBS Bangalore, IBS Gurgaon, IBS Kolkata, IBS Mumbai and IBS Pune.

For details, you may visit the official website @ www.ibsindia.org

All the best!



  1. Is it worth joining IBS ? I have heard it is just a false version of ISB HYDERABAD!!
    Please let us know the truth.
    Thank you

    • Is it advisable to register from IBSAT even though CAT scores are accepted for admission ? I mean should I apply for IBSAT separately even though CAT scores are valid for admission. Is there any added benefit of applying through IBSAT ?