CLAT 2016 Analysis live!

CLAT 2016
CLAT 2016

Did you appear for CLAT 2016 today?

As per LST experts, CLAT 2016- First Impressions
1. One of the easiest CLAT
2. Highest score to be 170+
3. NLS cut off may reach 150+
4. GK for a surprise had 35 current affairs, even the static was an easy one.
5. It seems it was set yesterday with questions related to floor test ordered on 6th May being there.

CLAT 2016 Analysis

CLAT 2016 conducted by RGNLU ( Patiala) on May 7, 2016. This paper was probably the easiest CLAT ever. We at LST had predicted an easy paper, but it surpassed all our expectations. It looked like the CLAT 2014 paper conducted by GNLU.

The pattern of the paper however did not witness any change. If you are a LSTian you would have found many questions in the paper straight from the LST Mocks and the Material.

Check out the detailed CLAT 2016 Analysis now!