Simple yet effective SSC CGL exam Tips and Strategies

SSC exam tips and strategy
SSC exam tips and strategy
  •  Are you looking for a Government job? Then, you must be aiming at SSC CGL examination. The SSC CGL exam is by far the most prestigious exams conducted each year by the Staff Selection Commission. Every year approximately 12 lakh to 16 lakh aspirants appears for SSC CGL exam. What a whooping competition! After having a fair idea about the exam, you must be wondering about the recruitment procedure and exam pattern? This post will help you strategize your SSC CGL preparation.

Are you aware of the various posts through SSC CGL?

There are more than 25 post categories, for which you can apply and appear in the SSC CGL Exam 2016. SSC CGL offers primarily two types of Jobs.

1) Desk Job– The various posts included as Desk Jobs are Assistants, Clerks, Accountant, Auditor etc.
2) Field Job– The various jobs under this category are Inspectors in CBI, Sub-Inspectors, Examiners, Preventive Officers etc.

In SSC CGL 2016, the recruitment of Assistant Audit Officer for India Audit & Accounts department has been introduced.

Lakhs of students go through these exams, but, only a few who have taken the extra steps to ensure complete preparation emerge as winners.

Have a look at the SSC CGL Selection Procedure:

The selection process comprises of following:

1) SSC Tier-1 Exam
2) SSC Tier-II Exam
3) Interview/Skill Test

Tips and strategies for the SSC CGL Tier I 2016 Exam:

The structure of Tier-1 Exam is given as under: 



Note: There will be a penalty of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer.

  1. General Intelligence and Reasoning:

The General Intelligence and Reasoning section make up for the most part of the overall score. This section will pose Logical Reasoning Questions and in order to prepare well for them, you must go through a large number of practice tests involving logical questions that sure are tricky but are easy to crack once you have a hold on the technique of addressing them. You can build up your skills by enrolling for CL’s SSC Test Series or CL’s Sectional Tests.

  1. Quantitative Aptitude:

Quantitative Aptitude questions are based on the following concepts:

  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Profit, Loss & Discount
  • Time, Distance & Work
  • Average
  • Mixtures & Alligation
  • Elementary Mensuration
  • Algebra
  • Trigonometry

These concepts must be given more importance than other topics. In order to ace this section, familiarize yourself well with the basics. Important formulae, multiplication tables from 1 through 20, square roots and cube roots up to 30 must be memorized in order to increase your speed and reduce elementary calculations. Once the ground-work is firm, go through the concepts and practice 15-20 questions based on each topic. Difficulty level of the Quantitative Aptitude section on par with the 12th grade level.

  1. General English:

It is quite surprising to note that General English is the most challenging section in the entire examination for students. The one and only sure shot way to do well in English is to spend as much as time possible reading and conversing in English.

These tricks well help you along the way:

  • Read English Novels, Magazines or even newspaper clippings will do.
  • Watch English Movies: Watching English movies (mostly British) is the most effective way to obtain fluency. Subtitles will help you gain a better understanding of grammar and proper sentence structure.
  • Find out who in your friends’ circle is the most fluent and has good knowledge of English grammar. Converse with them whenever you can. Ask them to correct your mistakes. By doing this, you will refrain from repeating them ever again. The most important thing to keep in mind when you attempt this section is that you cannot expect a 100% score, so, try to do your very best in order to reach up to the mark.

Questions featuring in this section include Grammar, Reading Comprehension, Error Correction/Error Spotting, Vocabulary and Synonyms/Antonyms. The best way to boost your preparation is to take CL’s mock tests.

  1. General Awareness:

General Awareness can be used to your advantage because if you have prepared well you can finish it off quickly and extract maximum score in order to up your total score. In this section, you can score more marks in lesser time.

Areas of focus must include:

  • General Knowledge
  • Important Dates & Days
  • Important Personalities
  • Award Winners
  • Book and Authors
  • Games and Cups
  • Abbreviations

The following study tips will prove useful when answering General Awareness questions:

  • Upgrade yourself with regular National as well as International news of last six months.
  • You can enrol for CL’s GK online classes
  • Study the latest budget passed by the Central Government

The following tips and strategies are best suited for the SSC CGL Tier II Examination:

  1. Quantitative Ability: This is a compulsory first paper for all candidates. The objective of this section is to evaluate number sense and computational capabilities. The best tip for coming out of this section with flying colours is to solve many numerical problems. The more practice you have, the more easily you can get the right answers. Don’t bother reading through problems because it will be of 0 help.
  2. English Language and Comprehension: An even tougher version of General English. Make use of grammar books and delve into deeper concepts. This section will focus on advanced English skills of Candidates.

Take CL’s SSC CGL Tier II Test Series to get a clear picture of the paper. Get detailed performance report and work upon your weak areas.

Paper-III is to be attempted only by applicants for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr. II and Paper IV for the post of Assistant Audit Officer.

Wishing you all the best on behalf of Team CL!

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