3 steps to solve English Cloze Test in Banking exams

English Cloze Test
English Cloze Test

We, at CL, are constantly creating programs and services to help aspirants achieve their career dreams. Feedback from our students make us feel that English Cloze Test is a hard nut to crack in Banking entrance exams. Whether you are appearing for IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, NABARD or RRB 2016, you need to be well prepared to attempt English cloze test.

No matter which Banking exam youre appearing for, at some point youll have to master the art of solving English cloze test. Typically, a cloze test is a text paragraph or passage with missing words or blanks. Very similar to the ‘fill in the blank exercises we did in school. The only difference being the level of difficulty.  As a test taker – all you have to do is to fill the missing word from the given options.

In this post, were going to take a look at how you can solve English cloze test to excel in Banking exams:

  1. Take a birds eye view: Firstly, read the entire passage to get a rough idea about the overall topic behind the passage.
  2. Work with logic: Generally, the passage contains sentences which are logically related to each other. Connect these logics to get cues about the appropriate missing word for the blank space.
  3. Eliminate with care: 35% of the times, the correct answer can be easily spotted. Beyond that, of course, your regular practice is the key to success in solving cloze test.

Hope you found the above post useful. Incase, you have any queries, please do share and we would be happy to address the same. Get started with few free English Cloze Test now.

Happy Solving English Cloze Test!



  1. hello sir , how come i solve the cloze test online in CL website , i have joined CL’s banking and CRT program . PLS HELP

    • Raghvendra, cloze test are a part of CL mocks and can be accessed inside your SIS. Depending on the program you have enrolled, you may look up in your SIS and start solving. If you are looking for additional cloze test, then, we will shortly share one for you. Stay connected!