JIGYASA: Daily Current Affairs Quiz of December 17, 2015

Daily Current Affairs Quiz

Dear Aspirants,

Here is the JIGYASA: Daily Current Affairs Quiz of December 17, 2015 for you!!

  1. Invoking its constitutional powers, the Supreme Court of India has appointed a former judge, Virendra Singh, as Lokayukta of
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Haryana
  • Assam
  • Arunachal Pradesh

Answer: 1

  1. Who among the following is the Union Minister for Women and Child Development?
  • Jayanthi Natarajan
  • Menaka Gandhi
  • Nirmala Sitharaman
  • Smriti Zubin Irani

Answer: 2

  1. The Supreme Court has imposed a ban on the registration of diesel-run private cars of the capacity of 2000 CC. Which among the following is/are the sources of diesel fuel?
    (1) biomass
  • coal liquefaction
  • biogas
  • All of the above

Answer: 4

  1. For strengthening energy efficiency cooperation, the Union Cabinet has given its ex-post facto approval to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between India and
  • OPEC countries
  • SAARC countries
  • BRICS countries
  • ASIAN countries

Answer: 3

  1. The government and Google have in-principle agreed to work on Loon project for providing Internet connectivity by using large balloons. Which telecommunications company will be partner with the project Loon?
  • BSNL
  • TCIL
  • MTNL
  • Reliance Communications

Answer: 1

  1. Which State government has decided to abolish VAT, CST on Sugar factories and permit foreign institutions to establish their campuses in the state?
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Kerala
  • Karnataka

Answer: 2

  1. In a decree signed by Russian president Vladimir Putin, that includes former Soviet countries from 1 January, which country has been excluded from a free trade zone?
  • Ukraine
  • Moldova
  • Romania
  • Poland

Answer: 1

  1. In recent times, India has signed a deal with Japan , for the largest-ever foreign investment in the railway sector, to introduce its marquee Shinkansen bullet trains on
  • Mumbai-Surat
  • Mumbai-Ahmedabad
  • Mumbai-Delhi
  • Mumbai-Bengaluru

Answer: 2

  1. The Asian Development Bank is financing a project to build a sea bridge and tunnel connecting India with
  • Sri Lanka
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Myanmar

Answer: 1

  1. The Union Cabinet has approved a policy framework for development of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) in unexplored coal and __________bearing areas in the country.
  • Anthracite
  • Lignite
  • Peat
  • Black Coal

Answer: 2

Happy learning!