JEE MAIN REVIEW 2019(8th April)

JEE Main Review 2019
JEE Main Review 2019

The second window of the JEE Main 2019 started today. Career Launcher visited the exam centres and spoke to students immediately after their exam. This is the JEE Main 2019 Review based on what the students had to say-

  • Students found that Chemistry was the easiest section. The questions asked in Chemistry were straightforward. Most of these questions were of the NCERT level. All the three subsets of Chemistry- Organic, Inorganic & Physical Chemistry were more or less equally represented in the questions.
  • The level of the questions in the Mathematics section was not very high. They were similar to questions from the NCERT Exemplar book. Some students remarked that the majority of questions were from Class 11 syllabus.
  • Physics was the toughest section. The majority of the questions involved the application of multiple concepts which made this a very time-consuming section as well.
  • Overall, most students agreed that the paper was easier or at least at the same level as that of papers from the January window of JEE Main 2019. One factor could be that the students had already prepared for their board exams which helped them strengthen their fundamentals before giving this exam. Another factor could be that students are much more comfortable with the online testing mode.

Students who read the JEE Main 2019 Review for the January window will recall that the questions in the papers of that window were also not of a high level. It seems that the NTA is focused on testing the basic concepts of aspirants rather than forcing them to solve elaborate complex problems. Students who have read the NCERT books thoroughly can expect to do well in this paper.

JEE Main 2019 Review: Paper Format

Physics 30 120
Chemistry 30 120
Mathematics 30 120
Total 90 360

There were no changes in the format of the paper from the previous window. Moreover,  the time allotted for the entire paper was also the same ie 180 minutes without any sectional limit.

In order to prepare better, you can check out our online learning platform, where you can keep yourself regularly updated with exam news & notifications. In addition, you can also give FREE mock tests and chapter tests. You can write to us for any queries or feedback in the comments below. We wish you the very best for your JEE Main exam!