Data Interpretation: Simplifying what the numbers convey

Data Interpretation: Question Types

Data Interpretation in Bank PO & Clerk exams has become predictable over the years, but there are still some tweaks in the questions that come as surprise during the exam. Practice is required to deal with tricky questions. What are the different types of questions that are featured under the DI section for a Bank PO/Clerk exam? Here is a list of question types that cannot be termed comprehensive in any manner but can be seen as an indicative one:

  1. Based on percentages and ratios:

These types of questions are easier to deal with. The technique to solve these questions is not a secret potion available only to a few, it is available for everyone to use but a multitude of techniques are available to opt from. One of the commonly used techniques is to reduce the number of digits. Some candidates use methods that employ simple addition and squaring techniques to get at a number that would have taken time to arrive at without use of a simple calculator.

  1. Pie-chart based calculations:

This is about considering all the data that adds up to a 360 degree angle. Each of the values partakes in that total share. There is a considerable ease of calculation when data is represented in form of pie-chart. This representation is said to be open to interpretation just through a fleeting glance. Therefore, reports and fund & resource allocation is represented in this form. Candidates are tested on their ability to quickly assimilate the graphical data and get an approximate idea of the numeric data.

  1. Bar: Stacked or otherwise:

This is also a pictorial representation but does not involve total data. Reading of the graph and the number crunching are both important. A slight carelessness in reading the data or not using the same scale for measuring can make the calculation go awry.

  1. Table based number crunching:

A table with numbers such that the missing values can be arrived at based on the current values is one of the favourite questions of examiners. This gives you the advantage of using standard formulae to calculate missing data. Learning easy calculation techniques through a methodology that allows for arriving at this number is enough to solve these questions. The techniques can be learnt through products that are available for purchase online or offline.

  1. Combination questions:

These types of questions involve a mix of numerous kinds of data representations. This may be about a bar, pie or line chart or a combination of these with a table. The number of questions varies though. In case of combination question sets, the number of questions is higher. These sets can thus be a game-changer for students.

Data interpretation is thus a matter of speed based solving but it is rather predictable yet true to say that speed cannot make up for correct analysis. It is important to work on the right kind of analysis techniques. It is of similar significance though as clearing sectional cut-offs does not have a substitute. It is not just the total that we are looking at when we consider the list of students or would-be professionals but the sectional cut-off is important too. The question types as stated above will be the ones spotted but it is then again the difficulty level of the problem that decides on the time required to solve it.

Hope the above post has acquainted you with Data Interpretation section questions in Bank PO & Bank Clerk entrances.

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