What makes an effective preparation strategy for Bank entrance exams?

Bank preparation plan

As per the tentative calendar, approximately four months remain for IBPS 2018 exams to begin. It is about time that you start preparing for the various IBPS exams. Read on to find out the ideal Bank preparation plan!

How many hours per day does one need to prepare for IBPS exams?

This is a question that every aspirant of a bank job craves the answer to. If you are a first-timer, then 20 to 25 hours per week is apt. However, if you have prepared for Bank exams earlier, then 12 to 15 hours per week would be enough depending on where you currently stand.

Furthermore, you should be aware that your preparation for Bank exams will help you in your preparation for various other important exams as well. Do not miss this opportunity! The IBPS exams that you should target in 2018 are given below:

Exam Name Tentative Start Date of First Level Examination
IBPS RRB Officer Scale 1 11th August, 2018
IBPS RRB Office Assistants 11th August, 2018
IBPS Probationary Officer 13th October, 2018
IBPS Clerks 8th December, 2018
IBPS Specialist Officer 29th December, 2018


As evident from the table, you have approximately four months to go for the first exam.

Though the pattern of these exams varies, the syllabus covered is almost the same. You must prepare Numerical Ability, Reasoning Ability, English Language, Data Interpretation and Analysis, and General/Economy/Banking Awareness.

Additionally, for IBPS Specialist Officer exam, you would have to prepare professional knowledge as a subject, in the respective fields as per the eligibility criteria.

Mantra of Basics, Application, Nurture and Kick

  • Basics in terms of concepts and formulae to be revised for each topic.
  • Exercises to be solved to understand Application of basics and concepts.
  • Topic wise tests to be taken to Nurture the level and one’s speed (through Test Gym)
  • Start writing the Mocks for Bank to Kick start your preparation to understand the overall exam.

Bank preparation plan – May to June

The first phase of the examination (Prelims) comprises Numerical Ability (Quantitative Aptitude), Reasoning Ability and English Language, so the focus should be on preparing these subjects well. Banking/Computer/Finance/Economic/General Awareness should be taken up during the time gap between Prelims and Mains examination.

For these two months, one should focus on gaining complete understanding of the topics, subjects, concepts, basics and the pattern of the Bank exams. Time devoted to each subject will vary. The aim should be that each topic is covered at least once during this time period.

Bank preparation plan – July & August

Once you are comfortable with the concepts, these months are crucial for practicing your concepts. You must revise second time, work on your strategy, and take practice tests and full-length Bank Mocks. You should analyze each test as well as mock, find out the errors, clear your doubts and in the process learn to manage time efficiently. Keep check of the cut off predictions as per the level of each mock.

We’re having a free online session on “Strategy to crack bank exams“ at 7 PM on April 24, 2018. Register now to know more about how to effectively prepare for Bank exams.

If you wish to know more about our coaching programs, visit our dedicated page for Bank entrance exams preparation.

Recently we posted about the final exams dates of SBI Clerk 2018. Subscribe and stay tuned for more updates.