JEE Main 2019 Results Out!

JEE Main 2019 Results
JEE Main 2019 Results

The JEE Main 2019 Results have been announced by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Students can check the results here. Over 6 lakh candidates attempted JEE Main 2019 in both the windows- January and April. For these candidates, the higher percentile amongst the two windows will be considered. Amongst these 6 lakh candidates, about half of them improved their performance in the April window. Students can apply for admission to the National Institutes of Technology (NIT’s) and other Government Funded Technical Institutes (GFTI’s) on the basis of their JEE Main 2019 Results. The JEE Main 2019 Results will also determine their eligibility for the JEE Advanced 2019.

JEE Main 2019 Results: Snapshot

Number of Test-takers in January window 8,74,469
Number of Test-takers in April window 8,81,096
Common Test-takers in both windows 6,08,440
Total Test-takers 11,47,125
Number of test-takers with 100 percentile 24

JEE Main 2019 Results: Cut-offs

This time, around 2.45 lakh candidates are eligible to write JEE Advanced. The cut-offs(percentile) to write the JEE Advanced 2019 exam are:

Common Rank List/General (CRL) 89.7548849
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 78.2174869
Other Backward Class (OBC) 74.3166557
Scheduled Caste (SC) 54.0128155
Scheduled Tribe (ST) 44.3345172
People with Disability (PwD) 0.1137173

JEE Main 2019 Results: Percentile Calculation

The percentile score in JEE Main 2019 Results indicates the percentage of candidates who have scored equal to, or below, that particular percentile in that session. The formula to calculate your score is mentioned below:

Percentile Score of a Candidate = 100 X[No. of candidates who secured a raw score (or actual score) equal to, or less than, the candidate) ÷ (Total no. of candidates who appeared in that session)

In order to read about the process followed to calculate percentile, rank and normalise scores in detail, you can see the official notification here.

JEE Main 2019 Results: Next Stage

The next stage for students who have cleared the JEE Main 2019 is the JEE Advanced 2019. Candidates who clear the JEE Advanced are eligible to get a seat in any one of the 23 prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT’s). The registration for JEE Advanced 2019 starts on 3rd May. You can check the important dates, eligibility, format and other related information about JEE Advanced 2019 here.

Students with a JEE Main score are also eligible to participate in the JoSAA process. The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) has been formed by the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) to manage and regulate admissions to the participating institutes. In 2018, the following 100 institutes participated in the counselling process-

S.No Institutes Number of Colleges under Institute
1 Indian Institute of Technology 23
2 National Institute of Technology 31
3 Indian Institute of Information Technology 24
4 Government Funded Technical Institutes 22


Apart from these colleges, several state colleges also participate in this process.

At Career Launcher, we run various online and offline programs for coaching JEE Advanced candidates. Check out these programs and our results. You can give free mock tests and chapter tests along with regular updates of important exam news and notifications at our online learning platform, Write to us for any queries or feedback in the comments below. We wish you the very best for your JEE Advanced exam!