What after CAT?


‘What in the world am I supposed to do now?’ I think this question runs like liquid post the almighty CAT exam. Well, good news is we’re all in the same boat. It’s normal to panic or experience likewise sentiments after the exam. And that is why we shall, together, go through some basic yet immediate post-CAT steps such as GDPI, professional mentoring, etc., for a clearer and calmer sense of direction.


The very concrete belief is that if someone scores a brilliant percentile of 99 and above, not even gods can halt your bus from entering the top B-schools. But there are always loop holes (in this case, the interview/WAT rounds) that needs to be taken care of and this is where you should think twice. In fact, one may even argue that preparing for the GD/WAT/PI round demands vehement dedication and twice the effort than the actual CAT exam preparation. So, that being said, start the GD/PI/WAT preparation engine becausetime is of the essence’ has never sat truer for CAT candidates. Walk proud that you excellently cleared the CAT exam, please do, but to dodge being a fool’s gold, a solid marriage between ‘you’ and ‘full-on soft skill preparation’ must happen. You know what they say: today’s hard work determines tomorrow’s victory.


Ever heard about legends making it to the top on their own? If you think that happened, you are in need of a deeper dig. Even legendary bands like “The Beatles” had their personal mentor and Guru, Guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to guide and hold their hands throughout their iconic journey. The importance of finding the right mentor to sharpen your soft skills as part of your post CAT preparation is as crucial as preventing the ice caps from melting due to global warming. You can always have a nice conversation with your reflection in the mirror, but when the stakes are really high, i.e. your entire career, professional aid must not and cannot be optional. Seek guidance, be it an institute, be it a friend, uncle, father, mother, brother, sister, doesn’t matter, if they are in the ground of the professionalism you seek, you must reach out and get the additional expert push that you need, to ace the WAT/GD/PI round.


You’re not wrong for eyeing the shiniest apple on the tree. Hey, we all want the best in life, and it’s completely fine to have such feelings run beneath our skin. Now, what isn’t attractive is having yourself wedded to one corner, sitting resistant to a change of heart or mind because of your initial thoughts and genesis plans, after all, a healthy change of mind is but a sign of growth. The absolute perk of having a brilliant percentile score is getting calls from top b-schools like the IIMs, IIFT, XLRI, and more. Yes, there’s always that one school which continues to be the eye candy, but are you naive enough to limit your chances to just one? There’s no damage in going for different institutes’ interview. As a matter of fact, you’re only sharpening your intellectual blade. Keep wishing, on your knees praying, to get into your dream school but leave the optional gates open just enough for your plan-B to fall through, heaven forbid, should plan-A crumble.


Roots are the key to any mountainous achievement. Having your basics solid and knowing it like the back of your hand will mold the rest of the new adventures that awaits you. These points/tips are a starter pack for MBA aspirants who have already given their CAT exam and are waiting for the next season to air. Because limitations are part of being human, remember to hold your imperfections and weaknesses countable but not against, so you learn to turn them into your strengths.


For more information on Career Launcher’s GDPI program, click here.