Consolidated Weekly IAS Prelims Current Events Quiz (May 16-20)

Daily PT Capsule UPSC Civil Services
Daily PT Capsule UPSC Civil Services

Here is weekly consolidated prelims quiz for UPSC IAS Prelims. The CSP Prelims cut-off for 2015 has been released. It has been expectedly high at 107 marks for General category. Practice is the key to get a good score!

There are total 20 questions. Click on Get Started link separately on each quiz.

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  1. Thanks a lot for the weekly quiz session. This works as an energy booster for me and equips me with the latest updates. Besides my test series and study material from Vajiram and Ravi, I regularly practice this quiz to check my knowledge level.
    I look forward to getting more such interesting and helpful quizzes for better preparation of UPSC exams. These event quizzes keep students like me updated with the latest happenings. You are doing great efforts to help the students and playing a vital role in their success.

    Can you please tell me more such resources where I can find interesting and regular quiz?

  2. Dear Gitanjali,

    Thank you for the appreciation. We are glad that the Daily PT Capsule and Quiz are helping you in your preparation. The initiative has been planned keeping in mind the value addition it provides outside the class room program.

    You can visit Jigyasa daily current affairs quiz for Banking and SSC as well: