JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals: Registration Begins!

JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals
JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals

The registration window of JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals is now open. Interested students can register here. It is important to note that the registration is not open for Indian candidates. They will be able to register on the basis of their eligibility only after the results of JEE Main are announced. The registration window for them will open on 3rd May. The online registration for JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals, as well as Indian candidates, will close on 9th May at 5 pm. Students who finish registration have an extra day to complete the payment process ie 10th May.

JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals: Who are Foreign Nationals?

As per the official communication by the conducting authority-

  • Students who are NOT citizens of India (by birth or naturalized), do not belong to OCI/PIO category, and whose parents are not citizens of India and do not come under OCI/PIO category at the time of registering for JEE (Advanced) 2019 are treated as Foreign Nationals. Seats allotted to foreign nationals are supernumerary with a cap of 10% of the total number of seats in every course.
  • Foreign Nationals are outside the ambit of reservation of seats under the GEN-EWS, OBC-NCL, SC, ST and PWD (Persons with Disability) categories as mandated by Govt. of India.
  • Foreign Nationals are not required to write JEE Main 2019 in order to be eligible for JEE Advanced 2019. They can register for JEE Advanced 2019 directly.
  • The ID proof of the student and both parents is required in the form of citizenship certificate/passport.

JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals: Eligibility

Each candidate is eligible to write JEE Advanced 2019, only upon fulfilment of each of the following criteria-

  •  Candidates should have been born on or after October 1, 1994. In case a minimum stint in the army for a certain period is mandatory before or after Class 12 (or equivalent) exam, then the candidate will be given a relaxation of the required number of years. Such candidates are required to upload a certificate/testimonial issued by a competent authority to this effect at the time of registration.
  • A candidate can attempt JEE Advanced a maximum of two times in consecutive years.
  • A candidate should have appeared for the Class 12 (or equivalent) examination for the first time in either 2018 or 2019.
    However, if the results for the academic year 2016-17 are declared after June 2017, then the candidates of that board who appeared for their class 12 exam in 2017 are also eligible to appear in JEE (Advanced) 2019, provided they meet the other eligibility criteria. In case, the examination board of Class 12 (or equivalent) declared the results for the academic year 2016-17 before June 2017 but the result of a particular candidate was withheld, then the candidate will not be eligible to appear in JEE Advanced 2019.

Apart from these criteria, every candidate must also fulfil one of the following two criteria in order to gain admission to the IIT’s-

  • An aggregate of 75% in the Class 12 (or equivalent) board examination.
  • A top 20 percentile of successful candidates in their respective Class 12 (or equivalent) board examination.

JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals: Registration Fees

Examination Centers in India
Candidates from SAARC Countries USD 75
Candidates from Non-SAARC Countries USD 150


Examination Centers in Foreign Countries
Candidates from SAARC Countries USD 75
Candidates from Non-SAARC Countries USD 150

JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals: Documents for Registration

  • Birth Certificate/Age Proof
  • Class 12 Marks Sheet
  • ID Proof
  • Citizenship Certificate/Passport of both parents
  • Testimonial (if required)

JEE Advanced for Foreign Nationals: List of Foreign Centers

List of Examination Centers in Foreign Countries
City Country
Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Colombo Sri Lanka
Dhaka Bangladesh
Dubai UAE
Kathmandu Nepal
Singapore Singapore


In order to know more, you can check the official communication on the JEE website, here.

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