CBSE Class XII: Practical Examinations Schedule

CBSE Class XII:Practical Examinations Schedule Released
CBSE Class XII:Practical Examinations Schedule Released

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the schedule for Class XII Practical Exams. They are usually conducted between January 16 and February 15 every year. There remains no change this academic year, except for the schools in Prayagraj, where, due to Kumbh Mela, the Exams will commence from January 1.

In its circular, the CBSE has directed schools to finish the Practical Exams for skill-based subjects and other academic subjects, for which there are only a handful of students, before the first half of February. The reason being, the Board Exams for these subjects are scheduled for the latter half of the month.

The Practical Exams will be conducted daily in two sessions if the number of candidates is more than 20. The marks will be uploaded by the schools on the day of the examination itself. There will be an external examiner in each instance.

The schedule of the Board Exams is expected to be released shortly. It will be posted here as soon as it’s released. In the meanwhile, do read our articles on how to score 90+ in CBSE Boards Maths and English.

If you have any query, please write to us in the Comments section below; and we will get back to you shortly.