Success story of Zara- leading fashion merchandise

Success story of Zara- leading fashion merchandise

Folks! It’s time to beat the blues with some motivational hues

Do you aspire to be an entrepreneur? Do you have a dream to set up your own Start-Up business?

This career story of a corporate house Zara will inspire fresh graduates looking forward to starting their own business. Starting a business doesn’t prove to be a silver bullet for many, but, the success story of Zara will definitely act as a guiding light for budding entrepreneurs.

Fate in clothing and merchandising industry is made and broken every day. Some enter the industry while some exit; some survive and some lose. However, a few brands become role-models for others. You must surely be aware of this fashion giant ‘Zara’. Not only girls and women but also, men are seen drooling over this brand.

Zara is a Spanish clothing and accessories brand started by its founder Amancio Ortega. It all began when Ortega decided to start a dressmaking factory, Inditex, in the year 1963 in Spain. Ortega entered into a joint venture with his business partner Flora Perez. Inditex currently is the world’s largest fashion retailer. Zara is basically a flagship store of Inditex, which was first opened in the year 1973 (ten years after the establishment of Inditex). Zara became popular in no time which led to a wide expansion of the unit beyond Spain to rest of the country and later to the rest of the world. By 1990’s the store had entered into US, France and most of the European regions. Presently, Zara has around 6500 stores across 88 countries in the world including India.

The secret to brand’s success was its take on garments and clothing. The brand works on this notion that fashion changes every day to keep up with the changing times. Ortega views clothes as a perishable commodity- that people would wear them and throw them after wearing once or twice. Zara restocks its stores across the globe twice a week. It designs and manufactures clothes, sends them to various stores and repeats this process again. What changes, too rapidly, is their designs and trends. There, you might not find a trend last for more than two to three month unless the trend is there to stay in the market. Zara is also known for producing toxic-free clothes for all generations and genders. Its take on fashion, business model, and market strategy are what makes Zara a perfect fit for everyone. Pricing policy also plays a key role in a brand’s success. The commodities aren’t put at a very high price. Not saying that articles there are cheap. Not at all! But they are just moderately priced keeping in view the ‘high-street brand’ status and the brand value of Zara.

Converting a small factory into a fashion giant is what success is all about. Nothing is impossible to attain if you have a right vision and sheer dedication to achieve your target.

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