Studying General Knowledge for Exams -3


How to study the General Knowledge section?

Any and every interview under the sun requires the candidate to be suited with General Knowledge. The topics that fall under GK are very vast and it may sound almost impossible to memorize it all. But as the saying goes, the best form preparation is smart preparation not hard preparation. Regardless of the field you’re preparing for, be it an academic exam or an interview or a government job exam, general knowledge is very important. The important topics that are very crucial to cover under this section include-

  • Physical Geography
  • Indian and World Geography
  • Indian and World History
  • International Organizations
  • Everyday Science
  • Awards and Honors
  • Indian Economy
  • Indian Polity
  • Constitution
  • Current Affairs
  • Other Miscellaneous GK

Every competitive exam asks GK based questions. There is a significant amount of weightage given to it. Applying extra focus on GK will give the advantage of scoring higher, thereby resulting in a better overall performance. While the very obvious tips to prepare for GK includes reading the newspapers/ monthly news magazine, listening to the news, watch GD interviews, here are some of the best ways to actually put them into practice-

Read, Read, Read:

Reading is an art that everyone should try and embrace. The habit of reading is very important in many ways. In order to prepare for general knowledge, reading the newspaper will give the most benefit. Newspapers are the gateways to everything current happenings. And this way, you will be updated with all the latest events happening in the country and out of country as well. Some of the important newspapers you should read are The Hindu, Economic Times, etc. In addition to reading the newspaper, read magazines like The Chronicles. These kinds of magazine are produced monthly and are packed with latest news and happenings which are vehemently useful for exam preparation.

Headlines and Breaking News on News Channels:

The revolution of television has left the world in our hands. Through TV, we get to see what is happening around us and how the world is progressing. However, there is more than just entertainment. While entertainment briefs us about the current fashion of the world, the one channel you cannot afford to miss is the news channel. Getting a dose of news through television every will not just increase your knowledge but also keep you aware of your surroundings. In order to prepare best for your exam, pick a news channel that catches your attention the most- it can be your favorite news reporter, your free time, etc. Incorporate the news channel time into you study schedule and watch it religiously.

Prepare Notes to Study General Knowledge:

Making notes is very crucial for GK preparation. While marking the important points/lines in the book is useful, writing it down is even better because it will be very handy during the revision hours. Write down in your own handwriting the important points which may seem crucial for exams. Make it a habit to maintain a journal with proper dates for a more efficient preparation.

Use The Internet to Study General Knowledge:

We live in a wonderful age where the entire information about the world is just a click away. Modern platforms like YouTube, Google, and alike, gives you access to literally everything you wish to know learn.

Take advantage of the technology and use to prepare your general knowledge section. There are videos online which focuses specifically on general knowledge topics. Type out the topics you’re curious to learn about, and watch/listen for as many times as you want until you’re understood the context. Websites like give daily updates in a formatted form which is easy to read. There are many other websites that give a daily dose of current affairs- while some are available to read online, some may require you to require signing up.

Aside from the generic internet platforms, follow the current affairs pages on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Lastly, practice GK mocks consistently to keep sharpening your brain.


Smart preparation is always the wiser and more effective way to go. Success is not always about travelling the hard path; it is sometimes about the smart path.

Good luck with General Knowledge preparation!


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