JIGYASA: Daily Current Affairs Quiz of December 16, 2015

Daily Current Affairs Quiz

r Aspirants,

Here is the Jigyasa: Daily Current Affairs Quiz of December 16, 2015 for you!!

  1. According to the Sample Registration Survey (SRS) report, which of the following states has the highest stillbirth rate?
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Maharashtra
  • Jharkhand
  • Karnataka

Answer: 4

  1. Who among the following is the current President of the United Nations General Assembly?
  • Mogens Lykketoft
  • Sam Kutesa
  • Joseph Deiss
  • Jean Ping

Answer: 1


  1. According to data in the United National Development Programme’s latest Human Development Report (HDR) 2015, what is the India rank in the Gender Inequality Index (GII) for 2014?
  • 140
  • 130
  • 118
  • 125

Answer: 2


  1. Who among the following has been appointed as the new Chairman of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) in December 2015?
  • A K Jain
  • Vijay Sharma
  • Manish Verma
  • Subramanyam Shastri



  1. Which of the following government of India has made it mandatory to quote for all transactions in excess of Rs.2 lakh, regardless of the mode of payment with effective from January 1,2016?
  • Permanent account number
  • Bank transaction account number
  • Voter card Number
  • Adhar Card Number


  1. Which of the following organizations has replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1995?
  • WB
  • IMF
  • WTO
  • ADB

Answer: 3


  1. The difference in the value of visible exports and visible imports is called
  • Balance of sheet of items
  • Balance of Trade
  • Balance of Payments
  • Balance of Accounts


  1. Name the country, which has successfully test-fired a nuclear capable ballistic missile ‘Shaheen 1A’ with a range of 900 kilometers in December, 2015.
  • China
  • Pakistan
  • Thailand
  • Japan



  1. It had been discovered some time ago that a supermassive black hole exists at the centre of our galaxy — the Milky Way. This black hole is now known as
  2. Sagittarius A-star
  3. Cygnus X-3
  4. Sagittarius B-star
  5. Quasar

Answer: 1


  1. Who among the following has been won the women’s gold in air rifle in the 59th National shooting championship in December, 2015?
  2. Geetakshi Dixit
  3. Apurvi Chandela
  4. Malaika Goel
  5. Sarita Singh

Answer: 2

Happy learning !