JEE (Advanced) 2019 Postponed


JEE (Advanced) has been postponed due to the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The date of the exam has been changed from May 19 to May 27 to avoid a clash with the last phase of the General Elections, 2019.

JEE Exam Postponed
JEE Exam Postponed

IIT-Roorkee will be conducting the exam this year.  The notification published by the institute on the JEE (Advanced) website states: “In view of the clash in the dates of JEE (Advanced) 2019 and the last phase of General Elections 2019, the examination date of JEE (Advanced) 2019 has been shifted to May 27, 2019 (Monday). The examination will be held in India and abroad, on May 27, 2019 (Monday), in the following two shifts: Paper 1 (09:00 to 12:00 IST) and Paper 2 (14:00 to 17:00 IST).”

The dates of JEE (Main) have also been shifted by the conducting agency, NTA, due to the elections. Earlier, the dates of the exam were from April 6 to 20, 2019. Now, Paper 2 will be conducted on April 7, while Paper 1 will be conducted from April 8 to 12, 2019. Admit card for the exam has been already released by NTA, which can be downloaded from the website

Candidates who qualify in JEE (Main) are eligible to appear for JEE (Advanced). The number of candidates who are expected to qualify for JEE (Advanced) 2019 is approximately 2.24 lakh.