Global Standing of Indian B-Schools


The 2015 Financial Times’ “top full time global MBA programmes rankings” has brought about some great news for Indian B-Schools. With the names of three of India’s premier B-Schools making it to the top 100 list, Indian schools have become a force to reckon with at the global level.

The 2015 rankings has placed IIM, Ahmedabad on #26, which is a significant improvement from last year’s ranking which placed it at #30. Financial Times has also taken into account the weighted salary that is the salary drawn by alumni of a business school 3 years after graduation. IIMA reported a weighted salary ofUSD 167,676 in 2015 and has shown an 88% increase from last year. IIM Bangalore, which made its debut in the top 100 at #68 last year, dropped down 14 ranks to #82 this year. Despite what seems to be a considerable drop, the weighted salary of IIMB has increased by 75% this year to USD 134,538.

Indian School of Business is the third Indian college that has been featured in the top 100 and has dug really deep here. Jumping up 3 ranks from last year to #33, ISB reported a weighted salary of USD 126,544,showing a whopping 131% increase from last year. Another aspect that enhances ISB’s quality of education is that 4 out of its 5 associate schools, namely Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (#3), London School of Business (#2), Sloan MIT (#8) and Kellogg School of Management (#14) have been placed in the top 15. How does this benefit ISB? The portfolio faculty model of ISB is unique as it accommodates a mix of resident faculty and the visiting faculty which comes from its associate schools. Designated as “Area Leaders”, senior faculty members from its associate schools play a key role in the academic programmes and research. Apart from this, they actively engage in formulating the curriculum, attracting the best faculty to the School and mentoring junior faculty, all in collaboration with the resident faculty. Therefore having such top notch schools as its associates will definitely enhance the education imparted at ISB.

These rankings and indicators show that Indian B-Schools are doing well on the global platform, making the CAT exam a very important exam for aspiring management students.

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