Does a good CGPA decide your career?

Really! Does a good CGPA decides your career?

A high Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is not a small accomplishment. While your CGPA is outstanding it may not necessarily fetch you a job. Thousands of students each year amplify the importance of their grades, whether it is by studying all-night during exams, or by spending weekends in the library. This post talks about importance of CGPA in deciding your career.

A student with 7 point CGPA is not necessarily smarter than the student who secured 5 point CGPA. Though a good CGPA indicates hard work, commitment and dedication towards academic success, all the qualities that an employer seeks in employees. However, a lower CGPA could also be a conclusion of some extenuating circumstances. Therefore, CGPA is a two faced coin.

The domains like technology, finance, accounting, and engineering still use CGPA as the main metric in initial evaluation of candidates because these are highly competitive sectors and CGPA is one of the key indicators of competence. Your CGPA may get you at the door but not necessarily close the deal for you. Employers look for qualities, skills, and experience that a good CGPA does not always capture. Your creativity, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and communication ability are likely to be far more important than your grades.

Often CGPA leads to higher expectations from family and friends, which might result in frustration and stress among students. Many a times, parents overburden their children with expectations, discouraging their other interests, hobbies, and extra-curricular activities. Owing to greater stress, students become highly irritated and this leads to unhealthy and bad habits such as drugs, drinking, smoking etc. Sometimes, students even take the most extreme steps and commit suicide.

Thus, CGPA plays an important role in deciding your career and your life but your character lies in your hands. Your character is independent of your CGPA. Having a good CGPA can get you to hold a seat in your name, but the key to further success comes from experiences and skills. Regardless of where your CGPA falls, remember that the job hunt post-college is about demonstrating your value, skills, experience and fit.

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