My learnings by Nevin Paul Jose


Statistics have shown that more than half of India’s population dream to become successful entrepreneurs and businessmen. The problem is that we only aim at earning a lot and not understanding the troubles and risks that any new firm or an entrepreneur has to go through before achieving success.

Mark Zuckerberg said that the biggest problem with new and young entrepreneurs especially is that we only aim at earning a lot and not thinking of ways of how to change the world because in this economy a creative idea is the one that survives and prospers.

Being a student who is about to give CBSE Class XII examination, it is necessary for me to think about my future. I would love to be one of the world’s best entrepreneurs but I also know that it is not that easily said and just done. I have read about the troubles successful entrepreneurs had to go through and understood the necessity of courage and faith one must have on his/her idea.

It’s impossible to start and run a business without having the required knowledge. I joined the TYE program so that I can grasp as much as I can about business knowledge, what all could help mould my imagination, understand what all troubles entrepreneurs have to face and how to overcome them.

The first day was quite an excellent one and it was a very interactive class. We were given much insightful knowledge by Satya sir and GP sir.

They told us their perspective on business and their business experience “ how they decided to become entrepreneurs, how they came up with their business ideas and how they overcame the obstacles that they faced.

GP sir showed us that it is never late to start one’s own business.

Satya sir held a very interactive class and conducted a very exciting activity.

The class helped me learn more about what business actually is and to keep our eyes open at all times because new and creative ideas can be around us. All we have to do is interpret and understand it.

I learned that if I have an idea I must ensure its validity and believe in it. Rocks will be thrown at me but I must believe in my idea. I understand that I have to be courageous and that I’ll face many obstacles but I should never stand down. Every idea has its demerits and risks which cannot be avoided. Risk is something that never leaves a business. It has to be faced and dealt with.

More the risk, more will be the profit.

It truly was an admirable class and I am looking forward for the next class and meet many more professionals to understand the various sides of business.

Contributed by Nevin Paul Jose, Class XII, TYE 2015-2016 student

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